PNG Coastal Fisheries Development and Management Project (CFMDP) (ADB 2003-2007)


The PNG Coastal Fisheries Development and Management Project (CFMDP) – ADB Loan to the PNG Government of US$10 million over the 4-year period 2003 – 2007. Both the PNG Government and ADB were so happy with the results of the FDP that GPA was invited to design and implement a follow-up project, to take the institutional reforms implemented at national level down to the level of the provinces. PNG’s 18 coastal provinces have primary responsibility for the development and management of coastal fisheries in their areas of jurisdiction. Three key provinces (Morobe, Milne Bay and New Ireland) were selected as project targets, where improvements to local fishery development and management arrangements were promoted through a range of mechanisms based on extensive stakeholder and community consultations which identified fishery management problems and potential solutions. One of the key problems identified was a lack of public awareness and knowledge about marine resource conservation and management, and as a result the project placed a major emphasis on the production of education and awareness materials, including:

  • Teaching materials on marine resources for integration into the secondary school curriculum;
  • A series of puppet show videos on responsible marine resource use, aimed at school children and young adults;
  • Comic books telling stories about fishing activities, aimed at young adults;
  • A series of radio broadcasts on fishery issues of topical interest, often involving interviews of senior members of the fishing community;

These educational materials were all produced in PNG pidgin and were delivered in partnership with local schools, community groups, and the PNG national radio station.

Spawning aggregations PGSpawning aggregations ENFisheries Regs PG
Fisheries Regs ENMangroves PGMangroves EN
Fish sizes ENFish sizes PGWhy are reefs important?