The PNG National Fisheries College Strengthening Project (NFCSP) was undertaken with DFAT (AusAID) grant funding of AUD 10 million over the period 1999 – 2004 specifically to refocus the NFC so that its outputs were relevant to the needs of the fisheries sector. NFC had for years been providing academic training to a small number of students, but the qualifications were not officially recognised and very few of the graduates actually found jobs. Under a sub-contract with ACIL Australia GPA provided input to this project in the form of an experienced NFC Director and several technical teaching advisors. Afetr extensive consultations with the fishing industry and other stakeholders, GPA worked with the local NFC tutorial team to refocus the College on technical and vocational training relevant to the sector. NFC maintains this focus today and annually produces up to 200 graduates qualified in fishing vessel operation, marine engineering, fishery product food safety and small-scale fisheries development. 25 years later NFC is still the pre-eminent fisheries training institution in the region. The College is fully locally run and regularly accepts students and trainee tutors from other Pacific Island countries.
PNG National Fisheries College Strengthening Project (NFCSP) (DFAT 1999-2004)