Expertise : Project design & audits | Monitoring & evaluation | Coastal Fisheries | Ciguatera | Small Islands | Ecosystems | Community Consultation and Social Analysis |Environmental Indices | Environmental assessments | Data Management & Analysis
Nationality : Australian
Professional Qualifications:
PhD Ecosystems Ecology, University of Sydney, Sydney, 1989 (Awards: Commonwealth Postgraduate Research Award 1983-1987; URG (University Research Grant), Sydney University 1983-1987; Most Meritous PhD Thesis, Sydney University 1988)
BSc (Hons, First Class) University of Sydney, 1984, Ecology and functional morphology of mangrove gastropods, Double major in Geology and Zoology, (Awards: G.S. Caird Prize 1982; Slade Prize 1981; Eleanor Chase Memorial Prize 1981; Earth Resources Foundation Scholarship 1980)
- Basic & Intermediate Bislama Courses, Alliance Française (Port Vila), 2020. 2021
- Certificate in Poultry Behaviour and Welfare, University of Edinburgh, 2015
- PADI International Openwater Diver 1981.
- Commercial SCUBA Diver (Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme) 1990.
- Professional supervision skills, CareerTrack International, 1992.
- Media Communications, CSIRO, 1995.
- Communications Management, CSIRO, 1995.
Languages : English: Native speaker | Greek: Native Speaker | German: Basic | Polynesian: Basic | Pidgin / Bislama: Basic
Affiliations & Registrations :
- Fellow: Environmental Science, University of Wollongong, 2001-2008
- Member: IUCN Commission on Ecosystems Management 1997; Australian Marine Sciences Association 1985-1990; American Association for the Advancement of Science 1995-2006; Australian Coral Reef Society 1991-1997;
- Associate Member: Institute of Marine Ecology Sydney 1990
- Life Member: Sydney University Biological Society 1985
- Registered Consultant : USAID ADAPT Asia Pacific 2012; Asian Development Bank DICON 12966 1998; Australian Aid Contractor Scheme 2013; NZ Aid Programme; UN Food and Agriculture Organisation; SOPAC Pacific Islands Applied Geosciences Commission; SPREP South Pacific Regional Environment Programme; and SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Countries of Work Experience:
Country (Number of projects): Tuvalu 22 | Papua New Guinea 10 | Australia 8 | Kiribati 6 | Vanuatu 4 | Fiji 4 | Solomon Is. 4 | Indonesia 4 | Timor Leste 3 | Samoa 3 | Maldives 2 | Cook Is. 2 | Mauritius 2 | Tonga 2 | USA 2 | Sri Lanka 1 | Japan 1 | New Caledonia 1 | UK 1 | FSM 1 | Malta 1 | Total of 21 countries
Employment History:
- 2019-2020 : Nawae Construction Ltd: Environment Adviser
- 1997-Present : Tautai Ltd and Tautai Foundation: Adviser/Consultant, Tuvalu. Projects: 25, 27, 31-current
- 1997-2001 : Government of Tuvalu: Adviser, Tuvalu. Projects: 26, 28-30
- 1995-1997 : James Cook University: Manager of JCU EcoServices (university consulting), Australia. Projects: 5, 7, 10-11, 13-15, 18, 20
- 1992-1997 : James Cook University: Lecturer, Department of Marine Biology, Australia
- 1990-1992 : Australian Institute of Marine Science: Postdoctoral Fellow, Australia
- 1990-1990 : Zoology Department, University of Auckland: Tutor / Lecturer, New Zealand
- 1989-1990 : Zoology Department, University of Auckland: Postdoctoral Fellow (URG), New Zealand
- 1987-1997 : SeaEcology Consultants: Partner, New Zealand & Australia. Projects: 1-4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16-17, 19, 22-24
- 1985-1988 : University of Sydney: Consultant and Lecturer, Australia
- 1983-1985 : CSIRO Fisheries, Australia: Experimental Officer, Australia
Development Projects:
Total Projects 79 | Fisheries 38 | Project Design 25 | Environment 30 | Education & Training 17 | EIA 32 | Socio-economic 12 | Infrastructure 30 | UN agencies 8 | Project followed by [Project No.]
- 2021 Consultancy to develop a proposal for the Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Programme for Economic Resilience and Recovery (PROPER) in Vanuatu, World Bank, Vanuatu Fisheries, Vanuatu [79]
- 2021 Engineering Services for Renewable Energy Projects in Funafuti, Tuvalu, Gov Tuvalu, ADB, Tuvalu [78]
- 2020 Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Adviser for the USAID-funded Pacific American Fund and Social Solutions International Inc. [77]
- 2020 Development of a database for monitoring and culling of Crown of Thorns Starfish in Queensland, C2) and GBRMPA, Vanuatu [76]
- 2019 Inshore Fisheries Adviser 2.0 for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, NZ MFAT, Tuvalu [75]
- 2018 Coastal Fisheries Mentor for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, NZ MFAT, Tuvalu [74]
- 2015 Environment and Database Mentor for the Tonga Department of Environment, MEIDECC [73]
- 2015 Coastal Fisheries Adviser for the Tuvalu Fisheries Department, NZ MFAT, Tuvalu [72]
- 2015 Integrated Environmental Management of the Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment (IEMP) [71]
- 2014 Tuvalu Borrow Pits Rehabilitation Project, NZAP, GoT, Calibre, Tuvalu [70]
- 2015 Tuvalu Aviation Investment Project (TvAIP), World Bank, GoT, Tuvalu [69]
- 2015 EIA Training, NZAP, TBEC, Tonga [68]
- 2014 Assessment of Development Impacts of the SciCOFish Invertebrate Work in Vanuatu and the Cook Islands, SPC, Cook Is., Vanuatu [67]
- 2014 Tuvalu Fisheries Development Project Building, NZAP, GoT, Calibre, Tuvalu [66]
- 2014 Practical Climate Resilient Approaches and Tools for Food and Water Security and Coastal Zone Management, World Bank, SPC, FSM, Kiribati [65]
- 2013 Strengthening Community Resilience to Climate Induced Natural Disasters in the Dili to Ainaro Road Development Corridor, Timor Leste, UNDP, ADAPT, GEF, Gov Timor Leste, World Bank, East Timor [64]
- 2012 Kiribati Technical Vocational Education and Training Sector Strengthening Program (TVETSSP), DFAT, Kiribati [63]
- 2013 New Zealand Energy Programme in Tuvalu, NZAP, GoT, Tuvalu [62]
- 2013 Enhancing Climate Resilience of Coastal Resources and Communities (ECRCRC) in Samoa, World Bank, ADAPT, Gov Samoa, Samoa [61]
- 2008 Infrastructure projects in PNG and Solomon Islands, Nawae Construction, ADB, Gov PNG, PNG, Solomon Is. [60]
- 2013 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Review for the Nicolau Lobato Airport Project, Dili, World Bank, Ambidji, East Timor [59]
- 2011 Creel and Market Survey Manual, SPC, New Caledonia [58]
- 2012 Nicolau Lobatu International Airport upgrade, IFC, Ambidji, East Timor [57]
- 2012 Tuvalu National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA II) Project Design (Fisheries), ADAPT, USAID, Gov Tuvalu, GEF, Tuvalu [56]
- 2012 Tuvalu Ship to Shore Project, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [55]
- 2011 Country Risks Analysis for Papua New Guinea, IFC, Maplecroft, PNG, UK [54]
- 2007 Australia Pacific Training College (APTC), DFAT, Fiji, PNG, Samoa, Vanuatu [53]
- 2009 Sewerage Systems for 4 Maldives Islands, Gov Maldives, BCL, Maldives [52]
- 2007 Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius and Rodrigues, UNDP, Mauritius [51]
- 2008 Solomon Islands Road Improvement Project (SIRIP), ADB, DFAT, NZAP, Cardno, Solomon Is. [50]
- 2008 Solomon Islands Emergency Assistance project (SIEAP), ADB, EU, Cardno, Solomon Is. [49]
- 2003 Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project (CFMDP), ADB, NFA, PNG [48]
- 2007 Development of a Tuna Processing Plant, Vila, FFA, Vanuatu [47]
- 2006 Review of fisheries implications of the Ramu Nickel Project, NFA, PNG [46]
- 2006 Solomon Islands Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources Organisational Strengthening Project, NZAP, Solomon Is. [45]
- 2005 Rapid assessment of the status of the fisheries in tsunami affected areas of Indonesia and Sri Lanka, FAO, Indonesia, Sri Lanka [44]
- 2005 Implementation of the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) in the Pacific Region, SOPAC, Fiji, Samoa [43]
- 2004 Fiji Civil Aviation and Airports Improvement Project, ADB, Fiji [42]
- 2004 Coastal pollution loading and water quality criteria for the BOBLME Region, FAO, GEF, PNG [41]
- 2003 Infrastructure Development for Poverty Alleviation in the Maldives Atolls, IsDB, Gov Maldives, BCL, Maldives [40]
- 2003 National Fisheries College Strengthening Project, DFAT, GPA, ACIL, PNG [39]
- 2003 Theme Review of land-based sources of pollution in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem, FAO, PNG [38]
- 2003 Tuvalu Reef Channels Project Review, NZAP, SOPAC, Tuvalu [37]
- 2003 Indonesia Coral Reef Management, Monitoring and Assessment Programme (COREMAP) Review, DFAT, GHD Ltd, Indonesia [36]
- 2002 Fisheries Development Project, ADB, NFA, GPA, PNG Harbours Board, PNG [35]
- 2001 PNG Community Water Transport Project, ADB, SMEC, BMT, PNG [34]
- 2000 Independent Review of Tuvalu’s UNDP Country Cooperation Framework, UNDP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [33]
- 1999 Tuvalu Waste Management Project, DFAT, Gov Tuvalu, Golder & Associates, Tuvalu [32]
- 1998 Tonga Environmental Planning and Management Strengthening Project (TEMPP), DFAT, AIMS, Gov Tonga, AMSAT, Hassall, Tonga [31]
- 1999 EIA of Six Development Projects on Vaitupu, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [30]
- 1999 Rehabilitation of the Pela pits on Niutao, Forum Secretariat, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [29]
- 1999 Plan for the strengthening of the Environment Unit, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [28]
- 1998 Water Supply and Waste Management in Tuvalu, DFAT, Coffey MPW, Tuvalu [27]
- 1998 Rehabilitation of coastal areas damaged by concrete ramps on Tuvalu’s outer islands, NZAP, Canada Fund, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [26]
- 1998 Development of a Global Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI), NZAP, Gov Ireland, Italy, Norway, SOPAC, UNEP, UN SIDS, Fiji, Malta [25]
- 1998 Environmental Impact Assessment for the replacement of the Erakor Causeway, Port Vila, ADB, Gov Vanuatu, SMEC, NIWA, Vanuatu [24]
- 1997 Funafuti Marine Conservation Area Monitoring & Training, SPREP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [23]
- 1997 Coral Mariculture for the Aquarium Industry, Cairns, Australia, GBR CRC, Reef2Me, Australia [22]
- 1997 Coral Reef Rehabilitation: Sustainable Development of the Great Barrier Reef CRC, GBR CRC, JCU, Australia [21]
- 1997 Management Plan for the St Brandon Archipelago, Mauritius, World Bank, Raphael Fishing Co, Gov Mauritius, Mauritius [20]
- 1997 Sanitation and Public Health and Environment Project (SAPHE) South Tarawa, ADB, Gov Kiribati, Kiribati [19]
- 1996 Coastal Zone Planning and Management Course, Indonesia, JCU, MREP, INTROMARC, Australia, Indonesia [18]
- 1996 Environmental improvement and assessment of Public Health and Sanitation in South Tarawa (SAPHE), ADB, Gov Kiribati, Kiribati [17]
- 1996 Environmental assessment of reef channels in 8 Tuvalu atolls, Tuvalu, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [16]
- 1996 Conference on Sustainable Fisheries, Monterey, California, Gov USA, USA [15]
- 1995 JICA Marine Environment Course and Fisheries Development Planning Seminar, Japan, JICA, Japan [14]
- 1995 Short Course on Marine Biology, Indonesia, DFAT, Australia, Indonesia [13]
- 1995 Scoping study for channel works in Tuvalu, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, NIWA, Tuvalu [12]
- 1995 The importance of Reef Passages to fisheries resources in coral atolls of the Pacific, Tarawa, ACIAR, Gov Kiribati, Kiribati [11]
- 1994 Ciguatera Management & Monitoring in the Cook Islands, FFA, Gov Cook Is., Cook Is. [10]
- 1993 Causeway Construction/rehabilitation at Tabiteuea, Kiribati, DFAT, Gov Kiribati, SMEC, Kiribati [9]
- 1993 Ciguatera Monitoring & Management in Tuvalu, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [8]
- 1993 Reactive management of Dredging in Townsville Harbour, TPA, SKM, JCU, Australia [7]
- 1992 EIAs of developments in Trinity Inlet, Cairns, QR, NRA, Australia [6]
- 1992 Assessment of impacts on adjacent corals of dredging in Townsville Harbour, TPA, SKM, JCU, Australia [5]
- 1992 Rehabilitation of mangrove habitats in North Queensland, NRA, Australia [4]
- 1991 Impact of Dredging in Funafuti Lagoon, DFAT, SPREP, SOPAC, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [3]
- 1988 Assessment of the Effects of Human Disturbance on Outbreaks of Ciguatera in Tuvalu, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu, USA [2]
- 1987 Assessment of the Ecological Impacts of Boat Channel Construction by Blasting on Coral Reefs in the Pacific, NZAP, Gov Tuvalu, Tuvalu [1]
Reports & Publications:
Total Publications 172 | Book/Chapters 8 | Journals 15 | Manuals 11 | Pamphlets 5 | Reports 124 | Presentations 1 | Videos 1 | Websites 3 | Databases 4 | {Publication No} | [Project No]
- Kaly, U.L., Tekinene, M. & Toromon, T. 2022. Funafuti Lagoon Floating Solar Project: Environmental & Social Feasibility Assessment. Report for TEC, Tuvalu V2, 20pp {172} | [78]
- Kaly, U.L. 2020. Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning Database for Pacific American Fund. Database for Social Solutions International Inc. {171} | [77]
- Kaly, Ursula, Semese Alefaio, Lale Petaia, Paeniu Lopati, Filipo Makolo, Lotokufaki P. Kaitu, Hetoa Taula, Simeona Italeli, Teulu Sigano, Popu Lisale & Manao Stanley 2020. Tuvalu Sea Cucumber (Funafuna) Status Report. Tuvalu Fisheries Department -39pp {170} | [75]
- Kaly, U. 2020. Crown of Thorns Starfish Database for C2O and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority [76]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) Monitoring Programme Report Card. Report for TFD -5pp {166} | [75]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Coastal Fisheries Creel Report Card: All islands. Report for TFD -3pp {161} | [75]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Coastal Fisheries Creel Report Card: Funafuti. Report for TFD -3pp {162} | [75]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Coastal Fisheries Creel Report Card: Nui. Report for TFD -3pp {163} | [75]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Coastal Fisheries Creel Report Card: Nukufetau. Report for TFD -3pp {164} | [75]
- Makolo, F., F. Vaelei, H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Nivaga, M. Tali, P. Lopati, S. Falesene, S. Maheu and U. Kaly 2020. Coastal Fisheries Creel Report Card: Vaitupu. Report for TFD -3pp {165} | [75]
- Alefaio, S., S. Italeli, L. Kaitu, U. Kaly, P. Lopati, F. Makolo, L. Petaia, M. Petaia, H. Taula, F. Tetoa and A. Vaguna (2018). Creel Survey Report No. 2 Covering the period April 2015-December 2017. Funafuti, Tuvalu Fisheries Department: 31.
- Paka, L., Alefaio, S., Kaly, U., Finauga, M., Petaia, M., Taufilo, M., Italeli, S. & Lopati, P. 2017. Funafuti Monitoring & Management Consultations (FMMC) 1: 1st Fisheries Monitoring & Management Consultation in Funafuti 23-24 February 2017. Report by Tuvalu Fisheries Department 18pp {148} | [72]
- Van der Meeren, S., Kaly, U. & Hokafonu, T.F. 2017. The Fanga’uta Stewardship Plan (FSP). UNDP, GEF, GOT. 52pp {147} | [73]
- Makolo, F., H. Taula, L. Petaia, L. Paka, M. Petaia, M. Taufilo, M. Stuart, M. Finauga, P. Lopati, P. Fepuali, S. Alefaio, S. Italeli & Kaly, U. 2017. Funafuti Reef Fisheries Stewardship Plan FRFSP: Te Palani Tautua mo Mea ola i te Papa o Funafuti. U. Kaly, G. Preston, F. Tealei and S. Aleafaio. Funafuti, Tuvalu Fisheries Department: 44pp {149} | [72]
- Alefaio, S., Finauga, M., Italeli, S., Kaitu, L., Kaly, U., Lopati, P., Makolo, F., Petaia, M., Taufilo, M., Taula, H., Tetoa, F. 2016. Tuvalu Fisheries Creel Survey Report No. 1. Report of the Tuvalu Fisheries Department -21pp {144} | [72]
- Kaly, U. L., Preston, G.L., Yeeting, B., Bertram, I., & Moore, B. 2016. Creel and Market Surveys: A Manual for Pacific Island Fisheries Officers. SPC -136pp {146} | [58]
- Kaly, U.L. 2016. Tonga R2R Operations Manual: Arrangements for Database & Hosting within a remote Virtual Machine. R2R Tonga, DOE -16pp {150} | [73]
- Kaly, U. 2016. GeoEngineering for Atolls: Presentation for World Bank. Funafuti, World Bank, Sydney: 15pp.
- Kaly, U.L. 2016. Tonga R2R Second Biannual Workplan, Activities & Deliverables. Integrated Environmental Management Plan (IEMP) of Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment Project. UNDP, GEF, GOT 2nd Biannual 8pp {151} | [73]
- Kaly, U.L. 2016. Tonga R2R: First Biannual Progress Report of the SMA. Integrated Environmental Management Plan (IEMP) of Fanga’uta Lagoon Catchment Project. Nuku’alofa. UNDP, GEF, GOT. 9pp {152} | [73]
- Peacock-Taylor, C. & Kaly, U.L. 2015. Tuvalu Borrow Pits Project Completion: Social Impact Assessment. MFAT, GOT Volume 4. 65pp {154} | [70]
- Kaly, U.L. 2015. Tautai Foundation Website | Island Resilience. {140}
- Kaly, U.L. 2015. Tuvalu Fisheries Department Website. {143} | [72]
- Kaly, U.L. 2015. Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan for Funafuti Airport and Road. Tuvalu Aviation Investment Project (TvAIP). Report to Tuvalu Ministry of Communications & Transport and the World Bank. 53pp {139} | [69]
- Kaly, U.L. 2015. Course on Environmental Impact Assessment for Environment and Industry. Report to Tonga Business Enterprise Centre (TBEC) of the Chamber of Commerce Final Report -18pp {138} | [68]
- Kaly. U.L. 2015. Environmental Impact Assessment in Tonga: Training Course for Environment Officers and Practitioners. Course materials assembled for Tonga Business Enterprise Centre (TBEC). 68pp {137} | [68]
- Peacock-Taylor, C., Kaly, U.L. & Toromon, T. 2014. Borrow Pits Rehabilitation: Results of Landowner Survey (English & Tuvaluan). MFAT, GOT Brochure 3. 2pp {155} | [70]
- Kaly, U. L., Peacock-Taylor, C. & Toromon, T. 2014. Results of Household Survey, March 2014. Borrow Pits Rehabilitation Information Brochure. MFAT, GOT Brochure 2. 3pp {156} | [70]
- Kaly, U. L., Peacock-Taylor, C. & Toromon, T. 2014. Borrow Pits Rehabilitation (English & Tuvaluan). MFAT, GOT Brochure 1. 2pp {157} | [70]
- Peacock-Taylor, C. & Kaly, U.L. 2014. Tuvalu Borrow Pits Project Phase II Design: First Landowner Survey. Report to New Zealand Aid Programme / MFAT and Calibre (Spiire) New Zealand Ltd Volume 2 -20pp {133} | [70]
- Kaly, U.L. & Peacock-Taylor, C. 2014. Tuvalu Borrow Pits Project Phase II Design: Initial Social Survey of Borrow Pits in Funafuti. Report to New Zealand Aid Programme / MFAT and Calibre (Spiire) New Zealand Ltd Volume 1 -52pp {132} | [70]
- Kaly, UL & Peacock-Taylor, C 2014. Tuvalu Borrow Pits Project Phase II Design: Environmental & Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) and Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report (PEAR). Report to New Zealand Aid Programme NZAP / MFAT and Calibre (Spiire) New Zealand Ltd Volume 3 -129pp {134} | [70]
- Kaly, UL. 2014. Tuvalu Fisheries Department Strengthening Project: Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report (PEAR) for New building and Sewage disposal October 2014. Report to New Zealand Aid Programme MFAT & Calibre (Spiire) NZ -95pp {135} | [66]
- Kaly, UL. 2014. Assessment of the Development Impacts of the SciCOFish Invertebrate Work in Cook Islands and Vanuatu. Report to the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) for the European Union (EU) -55pp {136} | [67]
- Chapman, B., Kaly, U., Taylor, M., Webb, A. & White, I. 2014. Pacific Regional Program: Practical Climate Resilient Approaches and Tools for Food and Water Security and Coastal Zone Management (P132134) Inception Report: Project Design Phase. Report to Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) & World Bank. 60pp {131} | [65]
- Kaly, U.L. 2013. Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report (PEAR) and Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for Solar Installations on Nanumaga, Nanumea, Niutao, Vaitupu and Funafuti, Tuvalu. Report to Department of Environment for Tuvalu Electricity Corporation (TEC) and NZ MFAT -55pp {130} | [62]
- Kaly, U.L. 2013. Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Review for the Nicolau Lobato Airport Project, Dili. Report to World Bank for Ambidji Group -26pp {129} | [59]
- Kaly, U.L. 2013. Funafuti Masterplan. Video concept note for 4 projects. Video Concept Note for Tuvalu Government and Donors -pp {128}
- Kaly, U.L. & Alefaio, S. 2012. Stakeholder Fisheries Socio-economic Survey in Tuvalu’s Outer Islands. Project Preparation for a UNDP GEF submission for Tuvalu’s NAPA II Project (National Adaptation Programme of Action for Climate Change) -60pp {127} | [56]
- Kaly, U.L. & Preston, G.L. 2012. Creel and Market Manual for Fisheries Officers. Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC): An initiative under SPC’s Coastal Fisheries Programme (CFP), Coastal Fisheries Science and Management (CFSM) Section. SPC Noumea -102pp {126} | [58]
- Kaly, U., Metia, S., Salesa, U., Aleke, L., Tausi, T. & Togapili, P. 2012. Tuvalu Ship to Shore Project: Environmental Audit Report. Report on behalf of the Department of Environment Funafuti, Tuvalu for NZAP -65pp {125} | [55]
- Kaly, U.L. 2011. APTC 2008-2011: 200 reports detailing aspects of project monitoring, meeting or development objectives and theme. Reporting for Australia Pacific Technical College & AusAID -pp {124} | [53]
- Kaly, U.L. 2011. Creel Survey Database. Database for SPC, Tuvalu Fisheries -pp {173} | [58]
- Skondras, N.A., Karavitisa, C.A., Gkotsis, I.I., Scott, P.J.B., Kaly, U.L. & Alexandris, S.G. 2011. Application and assessment of the Environmental Vulnerability Index in Greece. Ecological Indicators -pp {15} | [43]
- Kaly, U.L. 2010. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Sewerage Systems for L. Gan, G.Dh. Thinadhoo, N. Velidhoo and N. Holhudhoo Islands, Maldives. Report to Maldives Ministry of Planning -106pp {123} | [52]
- Biliki, M., Siliota, C., Kaly, U. & Pita, S. 2008. Solomon Islands Emergency Assistance Project: Framework Document and Feasibility Studies for 14 road and wharf projects. Reports to ADB and Solomon Islands Government -330pp {122} | [49]
- Kaly, U.L. 2008. APTC Data Management System. Milestone Report April 2008. Australia-Pacific Technical College, Namaka, Report to AusAID -12pp {121} | [53]
- Kaly, U.L. 2008. APTC Student Six-monthly Report. Australia-Pacific technical College, Namaka, Fiji. Report to AusAID -23pp {120} | [53]
- Kaly, U.L., Williams, J. & Pita, S. 2008. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of the Naro Hill-Lambi Road, Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands. Report to ADB & Solomon Islands Ministry of Infrastructure & Development, TA 48-SOL -116pp {119} | [50]
- Williams, J., Kaly, U. & Pita, S. 2008 2008. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of the Wainuri-Kirakira & Kirakira-Warihito Roads, Makira Province, Solomon Islands. Report to ADB & Solomon Islands Ministry of Infrastructure & Development, TA48-SOL -126pp {118} | [50]
- Kaly, U.L. & Preston, G.L. 2007. Small-scale Fisheries-related Socio-economic Survey of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea. National Fisheries Authority and Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project -76pp {115} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2007. APTC Student & M&E Database. Database for student evaluation, entry, graduation and monitoring and evaluation of the project -pp {174} | [53]
- Kaly, U.L. & Preston, G.L. 2007. Small-scale fisheries in Milne Bay Province: landing, Market and Buyer Surveys in Alotau. National Fisheries Authority and Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project -40pp {114} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L., Hardman, E., Persand, S. & Klaus, R. 2007. Results of Lagoon Characterisation Surveys and Identification of Critical Habitats & Resources. Report to UNDP Mauritius, September 2007 -28pp {116} | [51]
- Kaly, U.L. 2007. Planning Phase for Socio-economic Surveys. Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius & Rodrigues. Report to UNDP Mauritius, December 2007 -29pp {117} | [51]
- Kaly, U.L., Preston, G.L., Opnai, J. & Aini, J. 2007. Sea cucumber survey, New Ireland Province. National Fisheries Authority and Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project ISBN 9980-86-092-8 -37pp {113} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. & Preston, G.L. 2006. Small-scale fisheries in Morobe province: Landing, Market and Buyer Surveys in Lae. Report, Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority -59pp {112} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2006. The Ramu Nickel Project: Review of fisheries implications. Report to PNG National Fisheries Authority -34pp {111} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2006. Socio-economic survey of small-scale fisheries in Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority -81pp {110} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2006. Impact of the Asian 2004 Tsunami on Fisheries Resources in Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Report to FAO -57pp {109} | [44]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Mitchell, J. 2005. EVI Description of Indicators. SOPAC technical report -pp {103} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2005. Sampling Designs & Statistics for Resource Assessment & Monitoring: Course Manual for Training of National Consultants in the PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project (2004-2005). Course & manual produced for PNG National Fisheries Authority -63pp {22} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2005. Small-scale Fisheries related Socio-economic Survey of New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea. Technical report for National Fisheries Authority CFMDP Project -87pp {107} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Mitchell, J. 2005. EVI Technical Report. SOPAC technical report -pp {102} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. & Pratt, C. 2005. Environmental Vulnerability Index Website. -pp {141} | [43]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Mitchell, J. 2005. Environmental Vulnerability Index Country Diagnostic Analyses and Action Plans (EVI DRAPs) for PNG, Samoa, Fiji, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Kiribati. SOPAC Technical Reports -22pp {106} | [43]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Mitchell, J. 2005. Building Resilience in SIDS: The Environmental Vulnerability Index. SOPAC Technical Report Final Report -12pp {105} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2005. EVI: Analysis of indicators. SOPAC Technical Report -326pp {104} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. & Opnai, J.L. 2005. Small-scale fisheries in New Ireland Province (PNG): Landing, Market and Buyer Surveys in Kavieng. Technical report for National Fisheries Authority CFMDP Project -76pp {108} | [48]
- Kaly, U.L. 2004. Infrastructure Development for Poverty Alleviation in Maldives: Environment General Findings and IEEs. Report to Ministry of Planning & National Development, Islamic Development Bank and Bangladesh Consultants Ltd Vol 1-2 -333pp {96} | [40]
- Kaly, U.L. & DuBois, R. 2004. Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Component 3: Coastal pollution loading and water quality criteria for the BOBLME Region. Proposal to FAO for GEF funding -9pp {95} | [41]
- Kaly, U.L. & Onorio, K. 2004. Environmental Impact Assessment for Civil Aviation and Airports Improvement Project, Fiji. Report for ADB TA 4099 -38pp {97} | [42]
- Alder, J., Dahl, A., Kaly, U., Mitchell, J., Norton, N., Pratt, C.R, & Witter, M. 2004. Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank II, 4 – 6 October 2004, Suva, Fiji. SOPAC Preliminary Report 140 -pp {98} | [25]
- Pratt, C. & Kaly, U.L. 2004. Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index Pacific Regional Meeting. SOPAC technical Report, November 2004 -pp {99} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2004. EIA for the Construction of Small Boat Basin and Wharf Facilities, at Alotau, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. Report prepared for National Fisheries Authority, CFMDP Project, November 2004 -26pp {100} | [48]
- Pratt, C.R., Kaly, U.L., and Mitchell, J. 2004. How to Use the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI). SOPAC Technical Report 383 -pp {101} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. & Naiova, M. 2003. Environmental Management Plan Guidelines for the Tuvalu National Sports Field, Funafuti. Report to AusAID and GOT, November -20pp {93}
- Ramsay, D. & Kaly, U.L. 2003. Review of New Zealand Reef Channels Project in Tuvalu. Report to NZAID, August 2003 -102pp {92} | [37]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C.R., Mitchell, J. & Howorth, R. 2003. The Demonstration Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI). SOPAC Technical Report 356 -136pp {91} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2003. Review of Land-based sources of pollution to the coastal and marine environment in the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME). Theme report GCP/RAS/179/WBG.10 FAO-BOBLME Programme, December 2003 -108pp {94} | [38]
- Pratt, C., Kaly, U.L., Sale-Mario, E. & Seddon, J. 2002. Towards a Global Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI): Update on progress March-June 2002 and revised funding proposal 2002-2003. SOPAC Miscellaneous Report, June 2002 465 -26pp {89} | [25]
- Morrison, R.J., Kaly, U.L., Tawake, A. & Thaman, B. 2002. Low cost technology for monitoring sustainable development. Development Bulletin 58 52-55pp {13}
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C., Howorth, R. 2002. A framework for managing environmental vulnerability in small island developing states (SIDS). Development Bulletin 58 33-38pp {14} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2002. Environmental Assessments (IEEs) and general environmental guidelines for the Papua New Guinea Community Water Transport Project. Report to ADB for TA PNG-3615 -312pp {86} | [34]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Howorth, R. 2002. Towards Managing Environmental Vulnerability in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 461 -16pp {88} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2002. Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) of the proposed Lombrum Fisheries Wharf Development at Manus, 8-10 July 2002. Report to Gillette, Preston & Associates Inc. for National Fisheries Authority and PNG Harbours Board, ADB Loan PNG-1656 -22pp {90} | [35]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C., Sale-Mario, E., White, O. & Seddon, J. 2002. Testing the Global Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI). SOPAC Progress Report March 2002 -40pp {87} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L., Pratt, C. & Sale-Mario, E. 2001. Report on the EVI (Environmental Vulnerability Index) Globalisation Meeting, Geneva, 27-29 August 2001. SOPAC Technical Report -pp {85} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2001. Environmental Examination Report for the Kavieng Fisheries Wharf. Report to SMEC for ADB-National Fisheries Authority, Harbours Board and Gillette, Preston & Associates -11pp {84} | [35]
- Kaly, U.L. 2001. Report on Mini-Projects: M2 – Education Resource Book, M5 – Ha’apai Village Waste Management, M8 – Neiafu Harbour Study, M9 – Toloa Rainforest Rehabilitation and M11 – TNC Botanical Garden, July 2001. Tonga TEMPP Project Report -32pp {83} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 2001. Assessment and final training of the Tonga National Environmental Monitoring Team, 5-30 June 2001. AusAID-Tonga TEMPP Project Report WP 62 -52pp {82} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 2001. Facilitation of the Fanga’uta Lagoon Draft Environmental Management Plan, 12 March-7 April 2001. AusAID-Tonga TEMPP Project WP 52 -88pp {81} | [31]
- Prescott, N., Kaly, U., Taufa, P., Matoto, L., Lepa, S.T., Faletau, T. & Hibberd, J. 2001. Environmental Management Plan for Fanga’uta Lagoon, Tonga. TEMMP Report April, 2001 -50pp {80} | [31]
- Pratt, C., Koshy, R., Kaly, U., Pal, R. & Sale-Mario, E. 2001. Environmental Vulnerability Project: Progress towards a global EVI. SOPAC Miscellaneous Report, March 2001 405 -25pp {79} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2000. Lessons from the EVI and smart indicators for coral reefs. roceedings of a Workshop on Information management and decision support for marine biodiversity protection and human welfare: Coral Reefs December 1999 AIMS, Townsville, Australia 6-10pp {12} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. & Tekinene, M. 2000. Preliminary environmental assessment of six development projects on Vaitupu, Tuvalu: Milkfish, Causeways & Dredging. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) No. 13 -39pp {72} | [30]
- Kaly, U.L. 2000. Code of practice for Tuvalu government departments and Island Kaupules: Trees. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) No. 12 -5pp {71} | [28]
- Briguglio, L, Kaly, U.L. & Pratt, C. 2000. Report of the Meeting of Experts on the Environmental Vulnerability Index, Valletta, Malta 1999. Report to UNEP -99pp {74} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. & Pratt, C. 2000. Environmental Vulnerability Index: Development and provisional indices and profiles for Fiji, Samoa, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. NZODA EVI Phase II Report -84pp {73} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 2000. Tuvalu Country Assessment Report. Independent Review of UNDP Tuvalu Country Cooperation Framework (CCF) 1997-2001 -20pp {78} | [33]
- Fakatava, T., Lepa, S.T., Matoto, A.L., Ngaluafe, P., Palaki, A., Tupou, S., & Kaly, U.L. 2000. Status of Fanga’uta Lagoon, Tonga: Monitoring of water quality and seagrass communities 1998-2000. Tonga National Monitoring Team, Scientific Monitoring Report, TEMPP September 2000 WP 1 -46pp {77} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 2000. Monitoring Review and Scientific Report Training: 11 August-12 September 2000. AusAID-Tonga TEMPP Project WP41 -94pp {76} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 2000. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) of 7 proposed reef channels on Nukulaelae and Niulakita, Tuvalu. Report for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade -14pp {75} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. 1999. Plan for the strengthening of the Tuvalu Environmental Management Unit. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) No. 6 -pp {62} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L. & Briguglio, L. 1999. Expanding the SOPAC Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) to the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and Atlantic Small Island States. Report to UNEP -pp {70} | [25]
- “Kaly, U.L. 1999. Environmentally-friendly beach ramps “”Enviroramps”” for the Tuvalu outer islands. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) No.3 -pp {61} | [28]”
- Kaly, U.L. 1999. Dealing with the borrow pits on Funafuti, Tuvalu. Government of Tuvalu Technical papers (Environment) No.7 -pp {63} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L. 1999. Progress on an Environmental Audit of the replacement of the Erakor Causeway in Port Vila. Report to ADB, Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and SMEC International 2 -47pp {64} | [24]
- Kaly, U.L., Alefaio, T.M., Ludescher, C.M., Talakatoa, K & Alefaio, S. 1999. Second marine survey of the Funafuti Conservation Area, Tuvalu. Report to SPREP and Funafuti Town Council 2 -22pp {65} | [23]
- Kaly, U.L., Vailea, A., Palaki, A., Tutu’u Lao, F., Taukolo, H., Matoto, L., Prescott, N., Fale, P., Tupou, S., Fakatava, T. & Lea, U. 1999. Monitoring training & Second Survey of the Fanga’uta Lagoon System: Report on Second Visit 15 June-16 July 1999. AusAID-Tonga TEMPP WP 24 -40pp {66} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 1999. Side-effects of plastics on human and environmental health. Government of Tuvalu, Technical Papers (Environment) 9 -pp {67} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L. 1999. Environmental audit of the new desalination plant in Vaiaku, Funafuti. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) 11 -20pp {68} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L., Briguglio, L., McLeod, H., Schmall, S., Pratt, C. & Pal, R. 1999. Report on the Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) Think Tank, 7-10 September 1999, Pacific Harbour, Fiji. SOPAC Technical Report 299 -77pp {69} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L., Briguglio, L., McLeod, H., Schmall, S., Pratt, C. & Pal, R. 1999. Environmental Vulnerability Index (EVI) to summarise national environmental vulnerability profiles. SOPAC Report to NZODA, includes EXCEL sheets for EVI calculations -38pp {60} | [25]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Monitoring training and lagoon baseline survey using Fanga’uta Lagoon System as a case study. TEMPP Report to AusAID -77pp {59} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1998. Minimum designs for measuring ecological impacts on coral reefs. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, Panama June 1996 -pp {10}
- Munday, P.L., Jones, G.P., Ohman, M.C. & Kaly, U.L. 1998. Enhancement of fish recruitment to coral reefs using light attractors. Bulletin of Marine Science 63 581-588pp {11}
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1998. Mangrove restoration, a potential tool for coastal management in tropical developing countries. Ambio 27(8) 656-661pp {9}
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Tuvalu Reef Channels Project Environmental Monitoring Technical Report 2: Assessment of ecological impacts of the Reef Channels Project on outer islands. Report for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, July 1998 -40pp {55} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Tuvalu Reef Channels Project Environmental Monitoring Technical Report (Updated to include Nui and Nukufetau): Assessment of ecological impacts of the Reef Channels Project on outer islands. Report for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, July 1998 -50pp {56} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Monitoring training and lagoon baseline survey manual: Case study: Monitoring of Fanga’uta Lagoon, Nuku’alofa, Kingdom of Tonga. For AusAID TEMPP Project -62pp {21} | [31]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Environmental impact and lagoon shore stability assessment at the ADF housing complex. Report to Australian Navy ADF Housing Project, Funafuti. Government of Tuvalu, Technical papers (Environment) No. 2 -pp {58} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. Environmental Impact Assessment for the replacement of the Erakor Causeway, Port Vila, Vanuatu. EIA report for ADB, Government of the Republic of Vanuatu and SMEC International -142pp {54} | [24]
- Kaly, U.L. 1998. COP4 documents briefing for Tuvalu Delegation. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Conference of the Parties session 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2-13 November 1998 -68pp {57} | [28]
- Kaly, U.L. 1997. Funafuti Conservation Area Monitoring Project Manual and Lecture notes. For SPREP & Funafuti Town Council, Oct 1997 -62pp {20} | [23]
- Kaly, U.L. & Brown, J. 1997. St Brandon Archipelago Management Plan. Volume 2: Technical Report. Government of Mauritius and Raphael Fishing Company for World Bank and JCU EcoServices project -68pp {51} | [20]
- Kaly, U.L. & Eugelink, A.H. 1997. Soil characteristics of damaged mangrove forests. Estuaries -pp {8}
- Kaly, U.L. 1997. Monitoring training and first survey of the Funafuti Marine Conservation Area, Tuvalu. Report to SPREP, Nov 1997 -21pp {53} | [23]
- Kaly, U.L. 1997. Tuvalu Reef Channels Project Environmental Monitoring Trip Report: Project Finalisation Meeting and Assessment of Impacts of improving the Nukufetau Channel. Report for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, August 1997 -16pp {52} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1996. Tabiteuea atoll linkages project: Quantitative surveys and audit of impacts of bridge and causeway works. Report 3 (final) Commissioned by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) Australia, For DFAT (AIDAB) Outer Islands development Programme -85pp {48} | [9]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1996. Tuvalu Reef Channels Project Environmental Monitoring: Statement of potential impacts and recommendations for the construction of a new channel in Funafuti. Technical Report 1 For New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington -44pp {49} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. 1996. Environmental improvement for sanitation and public health project: TA 2641-KIR, Republic of Kiribati. Report for Asian Development Bank, December 1996 -165pp {50} | [17]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1995. Discussion paper on information required to assess impacts on biodiversity. Submission to Commonwealth Commission of Inquiry into the East Coast Armaments Complex, Point Wilson, Victoria -45pp {47}
- Jones, G.P. & Kaly, U.L. 1995. Criteria for selecting marine organisms in biomonitoring studies. Detection of Ecological Impacts: Conceptual issues and application in coastal marine habitats 39-56pp {7}
- Jones, G.P. & Kaly, U.L. 1995. Conservation of rare, threatened and endemic marine species in Australia. State of the marine environment report for Australia, Technical Annex 1: The marine environment 183-191pp {6}
- Kaly, U.L., Jones, G.P. & Asher, P.J. 1995. Tuvalu Reef Channels Project: Project Plans and Environmental Risks. Report to New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Development Cooperation Division 1 -30pp {46} | [16]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1995. Tabiteuea atoll linkages project: Quantitative surveys and assessment of impacts of causeway construction / rehabilitation. Report Commissioned by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) Australia, For DFAT (AIDAB) Outer Islands development Programme 2 -65pp {45} | [9]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. Long-term effects of blasted boat passages on intertidal organisms in Tuvalu: a meso-scale human disturbance. Bulletin of Marine Science 54 164-179pp {5} | [1]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. A ciguatera monitoring facility for Tuvalu: In-country training Course. Commissioned by NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Wellington Final Report -30pp {41} | [8]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. Pilot dredging project Funafuti, Tuvalu: Assessment of ecological impacts on lagoon communities. Commissioned by SPREP, Samoa Final Report -200pp {42} | [3]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. Environmental guidelines for dredging in Funafuti Lagoon: Strategies for minimising impacts. Pamphlet produced for SPREP, Samoa -4pp {43} | [3]
- Kaly, U.L. 1994. Experimental test of the effects of methods of attachment and handling on the rapid transplantation of corals. Report to CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia -24pp {44}
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. Ciguatera Management & Monitoring Course Manual. In-country training manual for Cook Islands 2nd Edition -64pp {19} | [8]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1994. Test of the effect of disturbance on ciguatera in Tuvalu. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 34 523-532pp {4} | [2]
- Russ, G., Kaly, U.L. & Moltschniwskyj, N.A. 1993. Quantitative Marine Ecology. Course Manual for JCU MB2060 Second Year Marine Biology: 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 -90pp {16}
- Kaly, U.L., Jones, G.P. & Palafox, N. 1993. Ciguatera Management and Monitoring in Tuvalu. Manual for Training Project Oct 1993 -30pp {18} | [8]
- Kaly, U.L. & Stafford-Smith, M.G. 1993. Reactive Monitoring of corals adjacent to dredging works in Platypus Channel, Townsville Port. Weekly Reports Commissioned by Townsville Port Authority Reports 1-24 -13pp {37} | [7]
- Kaly, U.L., Ayling, A.L. & Choat, J.H. 1993. Assessment of environmental impacts on coral communities of dredging Platypus Channel, Cleveland Bay, Townsville. Corals Interim Report Commissioned by Townsville Port Authority 1 -24pp {34} | [5]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1993. Tabiteuea atoll linkages project: Ecological impact assessment of causeway construction/rehabilitation. Report commissioned by Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) Australia, For DFAT (AIDAB) Outer Islands development Programme -48pp {40} | [9]
- Kaly, U.L., 1993. The restoration ecology of tropical marine habitats: a framework. In: R.H. Richmond (ed.) Proceedings of the 7th International Coral Reef Symposium Vol. 2. University of Guam Press, UOG Station, Guam.
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1993. Pilot dredging project in Funafuti, Tuvalu: Assessment of Ecological Impacts on Lagoon Communities. Report Commissioned by SPREP, Samoa Preliminary report -50pp {39} | [3]
- Stafford Smith, M.G., Kaly, U.L. & Choat, J.H. 1993. Short term Response of Corals to Dredging of Platypus Channel, Cleveland Bay, Townsville, QLD. Commissioned by Townsville Port Authority Final Report -41pp {38} | [7]
- Stafford-Smith, M.G. & Kaly, U.L. 1993. Reactive Monitoring of Corals Adjacent to Dredging works in Platypus Channel, Townsville Port. Initial Report Commissioned by Townsville Port Authority -7pp {36} | [7]
- Kaly, U.L., Mapstone, B.D., Ayling, A.L. & Choat, J.H. 1993. Assessment of environmental impacts on coral communities of dredging Platypus Channel, Cleveland Bay, Townsville: Coral Baseline. Report Commissioned by Townsville Port Authority 2 -24pp {35} | [7]
- Kaly, U.L., Moltschaniwskyj, N.A. & Jones, G.P. 1992. Sampling and Experimental Design. Course manual for MB5300 Masters Course: 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 -pp {17}
- Kaly, U.L., Jones, G.P. & Tricklebank, K. 1991. Preliminary survey of a severe outbreak of ciguatera at Niutao, Tuvalu. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 11 62-81pp {2} | [2]
- Jones, G.P., Kaly, U.L. & Clements, K. 1991. Preliminary records of the coral reef fishes of Tuvalu. South Pacific Journal of Natural Science 11 40-57pp {3}
- Edgar, G.J., Jones, G.P., Kaly, U.L., Hammond, L.S. & Wilson, B.R. 1991. Endangered Species Threats and Threatening processes in the Marine Environment: Issues paper. Endangered Species Unit, Department of Arts, Sport, Environment, Tourism and Territories, Australian Marine Sciences Association -19pp {32}
- Jones, G.P. & Kaly, U.L. 1991. Rare and endangered marine fishes and invertebrates of tropical Australia. Report commissioned by Victoria Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) -9pp {31}
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1991. Ciguatera in Tuvalu: Results of surveys and recommendations for management. Report for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Wellington, NZ -pp {33} | [2]
- Jones, G.P., & Kaly, U.L. 1990. The Construction of Boat Channels across Coral Reefs. Report for NZ Ministry of External Relations and Trade, Wellington, NZ Supplementary Report No. 5 -29pp {30} | [1]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1990. Environmental Guidelines for the Construction of Boat Channels on Coral Reefs. Produced for NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, Wellington, NZ -4pp {29} | [1]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1990. The construction of boat channels across coral reefs: Final Report. Final Report for NZ Ministry of External Relations and Trade, Wellington, NZ 4 -43pp {28} | [1]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1990. The construction of boat channels across coral reefs: Immediate effects of blasting and broad-scale survey of channels on three islands in Tuvalu. Report for NZ Ministry of External Relations and Trade, Wellington, NZ 3 -14pp {27} | [1]
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1989. The construction of boat channels across coral reefs: Results of an initial survey of reef-associated communities at Niutao (Tuvalu). Report for NZ Ministry of External Relations and Trade, Wellington, NZ 2 -11pp {26} | [1]
- Rainer, S.F. & Kaly, U.L. 1988. Nephtyidae (Polychaeta: Phyllodocida) of Australia: New species from the North West Shelf, and a key to Australian species. Journal of Natural History 22 685-703pp {1}
- Kaly, U.L. & Jones, G.P. 1988. The Construction of Boat Channels across Coral Reefs: A Preliminary Assessment of Biological Impact and Review of Related Literature. Report for Ministry of External Relations and Trade, Wellington, NZ 1 -31pp {25} | [1]
- McGuinness, K.A., Kaly, U.L. & Scammell, M. 1987. Environmental assessment of mangrove reclamation at Davistown, Gosford, NSW. Report for Gosford City Council -pp {24}
Professional Referees:
- Mr Lindsay Chapman. Coastal Fisheries Programme Manager, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC). BP D5 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Phone: +687 262000, Email:
- Mr Robert Gillett. Director, Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc. Lami, Fiji. Phone: +679 3362855, Mobile: , Email:
- Ms Cristelle Pratt. ACP Secretariat, Rue de l’Aqueduc 118 Ixelles – 1050, Bruxelles – Brussels, Belgium Tel: +32 2 743 06, Email: or
- Mr Sam Finikaso, Director of Fisheries, Tuvalu Fisheries Department, Teone, Funafuti, Tuvalu. Phone: +688 20836, Email: