Garry Preston

Contact information:

Telephone:               +678 7562262
Skype:                       garry.preston


Date of birth:               29 January 1957
Nationality:                  British


40 years fisheries/ marine resource sector work experience with national Governments, regional technical assistance agencies, international organisations and private consultancy companies in 36 countries.

Projects and assignments:

Over 130 projects and assignments in fisheries undertaken including field research, economic appraisals, project management, international negotiations and high-level policy development.


Author/ co-author of over 120 publications and technical reports on fisheries.

Key skills:
  • Oceanic fisheries management: MCS (monitoring, control & surveillance), observer programme management, e-monitoring/ e-reporting, standard operating procedures, catch certification/ chain-of-custody, compliance with international treaties and requirements of certification bodies
  • Formulation of fisheries policy: preparation of marine resource and coastal zone development and management plans, legislative drafting
  • Effective participation in international fisheries meetings and negotiations
  • Scientific knowledge of a wide range of fisheries-related issues, including fishery management, marine biology, tropical marine/ coastal ecosystems, aquaculture, resource enhancement, coastal zone management, and conservation of coastal habitats
  • Fisheries sector institutional strengthening: fisheries extension and training: lecturing/ tutorial/ course supervision; preparation of training, information, education and communication materials;
  • Fishery project implementation, management and team leadership
  • Public and private sector fishery project design, assessment, appraisal, evaluation and review
  • Financial and economic assessment, management and monitoring of fishery-related activities, including feasibility assessments of commercial fishery sector investment and loan proposals, design of fishery sector loan, grant and investment programmes and cost-benefit analyses of fishery development and management strategies
  • Technical knowledge on many aspects of fisheries including capture technology, post-harvest, refrigeration, resource economics, investment planning, and vessel design
  • Personnel, financial and administrative management: organisation and management of work programmes, field projects, training courses, conferences and workshops
  • Experienced computer user: major database, geographic information system, spreadsheet, word processing, graphics, desktop publishing and programming applications
  • Experienced small boat operator (sailing and motor boats): skilled in coastal navigation and use of shipboard instruments; licensed radio operator; competent engine mechanic/ electrician; knowledge of electronics and refrigeration systems