Garry Preston : Curriculum vitae

Nationality: British


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Tropical and Temperate Fisheries Management, Grimsby College of Technology, Nun’s Corner, Grimsby, United Kingdom (1979).
  • Honours Degree in Marine Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom (1978).

Other training:

  • European Union Certificate: Application of Logical Framework to Project Cycle Management.
  • British Sub-Aqua Club 3rd class diver (formerly 2nd class diver and instructor).
  • Various technical workshops in fishery resource assessment and management.
  • Various short courses in computer use.
  • Certificates in sailing, sea safety, marine engine mechanics, marine radio operation.

Languages: English (mother tongue) | French (fluent) | Melanesian pidgin (fair)

Membership of professional societies:

  • Chartered Biologist, Institute of Biology, UK.
  • Member, International Institute of Fishery Inspectors.
  • Member, Asian Fisheries Society.
  • Member, Marine Resources Special Interest Groups, Secretariat of the Pacific Community.

Key skills:

  • Oceanic fisheries management: MCS (monitoring, control & surveillance), observer programme management, e-monitoring/ e-reporting, standard operating procedures, catch certification/ chain-of-custody, compliance with international treaties and requirements of certification bodies.
  • Formulation of fisheries policy: preparation of marine resource and coastal zone development and management plans, legislative drafting;
  • Effective participation in international fisheries meetings and negotiations;
  • Scientific knowledge of a wide range of fisheries-related issues, including fishery management, marine biology, tropical marine/ coastal ecosystems, aquaculture, resource enhancement, coastal zone management, and conservation of coastal habitats;
  • Fisheries sector institutional strengthening: fisheries extension and training: lecturing/ tutorial/ course supervision; preparation of training, information, education and communication materials;
  • Fishery project implementation, management and team leadership;
  • Public and private sector fishery project design, assessment, appraisal, evaluation and review;
  • Financial and economic assessment, management and monitoring of fishery-related activities, including feasibility assessments of commercial fishery sector investment and loan proposals, design of fishery sector loan, grant and investment programmes and cost-benefit analyses of fishery development and management strategies.
  • Technical knowledge on many aspects of fisheries including capture technology, post-harvest, refrigeration, resource economics, investment planning, and vessel design;
  • Personnel, financial and administrative management: organisation and management of work programmes, field projects, training courses, conferences and workshops;
  • Experienced computer user: major database, geographic information system, spreadsheet, word processing, graphics, desktop publishing and programming applications;
  • Experienced small boat operator (sailing and motor boats): skilled in coastal navigation and use of shipboard instruments; licensed radio operator; competent engine mechanic/ electrician; knowledge of electronics and refrigeration systems.

Countries of work experience:

American Samoa | Australia | Bangladesh | Belgium | Cook Islands | Federated States of Micronesia | Fiji | France | French Polynesia | Guam | Hawaii (USA) | India | Indonesia | Kiribati | Madagascar | Malaysia | Maldives | Marshall Islands | Mauritius (Rodrigues) | Nauru | New Caledonia | New Zealand | Niue | Palau | Papua New Guinea | Portugal | Samoa | Solomon Islands | Spain | Sri Lanka | Thailand | Tonga | Tuvalu | United Kingdom | Vanuatu | Wallis and Futuna | Pacific Islands (regional)

Employment history:

February 1995 – present:   Director/ Senior Fisheries Consultant Gillett, Preston and Associates Inc., Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Gillett, Preston and Associates Inc. is a consulting company established in 1995 and specialising in various aspects of marine resource development and management. The company is based in Vanuatu and has branch offices in New Caledonia, Fiji and Australia, as well as representatives in New Zealand and Hawaii. It aims to provide high-quality technical fisheries advice and assistance to national governments, international agencies, other consulting firms and the private sector through the use of well-established and proven expertise, at present drawn mainly from the Pacific Islands region.

As a founding director and senior consultant of GPA I have been responsible for the preparation, formulation, management, implementation, review and evaluation of fisheries and marine resource development and management projects undertaken by the company. These range from small consulting assignments to complex multi-year, multi-million dollar activities. As Company Secretary I oversee company business, including the identification and management of consultants and associates, financial management and compliance with statutory requirements and routine company administration.

As a director and partner of GPA I undertake consultancy assignments either through GPA company contracts or in a personal capacity, as appropriate to the requirements and preferences of the client. Major assignments undertaken during this period (those marked with an asterisk are still ongoing) were:

  • 2022-2023* Pacific Islands/ Solomon Islands. Review of sea cucumber (beche-de-mer) fishery production in selected Pacific Island countries, and develop possible price-setting mechanisms to maximise economic returns to primary producers (fishers) in Solomon Islands. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2022-2023 Tuvalu/ Vanuatu/ Fiji/ Samoa/ Kiribati/ Palau/ Marshall Islands. Preparation of National AFAD (anchored fish aggregation device) Management Plans for Tuvalu and Vanuatu, and drafting of an end-of-project report for the FAO Technical Cooperation Project Enhancing livelihoods for food security through fisheries with nearshore fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the Pacific Ocean (FishFAD project). (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations).
  • 2021-2022 Kiribati. Team Leader for the NZ-funded Tobwaan Wara programme of fisheries development and management support to the Kiribati Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and other Kriibati fishery bodies. Responsible for work programme and budget planning and for coordinating the delivery of technical assistance services in the field of fishery product hygiene and food safety, fishing fleet management, development of infrastructure to service industrial tuna fishing vessels, oceanic fishery management, and human resource development in government, statutory and private sector bodies. (New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
  • 2021 Vanuatu. Project Concept Note for first phase of World Bank Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme for Economic Resilience and Recovery (PROPER) in Vanuatu. (Government of Vanuatu).
  • 2021 Tuvalu. Design of second phase of World Bank Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme (PROP2) in Tuvalu. (Government of Tuvalu).
  • 2020-2021 Pacific Islands. Preparation of a manual on Nearshore Fishing Methods for Pacific Island Fishers, covering techniques related to tuna, small pelagics, deep-bottom fish and squid fishing, as well as general vessel management and sea safety. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2020-2021 Vanuatu. Oceanic Fisheries Management Consultant. Technical and advisory support to the Vanuatu Fisheries Department on responses to EU ‘yellow card’ threat, cost-benefit analysis of electronic monitoring (EM) on Vanuatu-flag fishing vessels, integration of EM considerations into Vanuatu’s monitoring, control and surveillance strategy, and support to Fisheries Department organisational reform. (Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2020 Solomon Islands. Support consultant in a project to assess the feasibility of establishing a tuna cannery and associated infrastructure at Bina Harbour in Malaita Province. (International Finance Corporation/ Royal Haskoning DHV).
  • 2019-2020   Vanuatu. Offshore Fisheries Advisor. Technical and advisory support to the Vanuatu Fisheries Department and other relevant agencies on management and control of foreign fishing vessels licensed to operate in Vanuatu waters, and of Vanuatu-flagged fishing vessels operating in the waters of other countries and on the high seas. Focus on improved monitoring, control and surveillance, increasing economic benefits from Vanuatu’s industrial fisheries, increasing fishery revenues to the Vanuatu Government, and ensuring compliance with WCPFC and EU management requirements. (New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
  • 2018 Tuvalu. Support consultant, Tuvalu Fisheries Department. Home-based, part-time technical support to TFD staff pending recruitment of a replacement full-time in-country advisor. Focus on maintaining momentum of a number of ongoing activities, ensuring timely submission of compliance documents to WCPFC and EU, and progressing the fledgling Offshore Fisheries Development Project. (New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
  • 2012-2018 Tuvalu. Advisor, Tuvalu Fisheries Department. Technical assistance, capacity-building and institutional strengthening in fisheries management. Focus on policy development, economic assessment, improving economic returns and Government revenue from Tuvalu’s industrial fisheries, establishment of administrative and operating systems, and enhancement of monitoring, control and surveillance arrangements. (New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade).
  • 2013-2015 Pacific Islands. Detailed design elements of the World Bank Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme in Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia and Tuvalu, aimed at enhancing sustainable management of oceanic and coastal fisheries, increasing economic benefits and Government revenues, and improving monitoring, control and surveillance. (World Bank East Asia/ Pacific Social, Environmental and Rural Sustainable Development Division).
  • 2013 Pacific Islands. Technical reviewer of WorldFish Center project on Improving Community-based Fisheries Management in Pacific countries. (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research).
  • 2012-2013 Pacific Islands. Preparation and planning of the World Bank Regional Fisheries and Oceans Investment Programme for the Pacific Islands, aimed at identifying areas where World Bank financial and technical assistance could complement the support of other fishery sector stakeholders in the region. (World Bank East Asia/ Pacific Social, Environmental and Rural Sustainable Development Division)
  • 2012-2013 Tuvalu. Project Manager, Tuvalu Fisheries Sector Institutional Strengthening Programme Inception Phase, which identified areas that could be strengthened through a long-term programme of fisheries support from the New Zealand Government. (New Zealand Aid Programme)
  • 2011-2013 Pacific Islands. Preparation of Market and Creel Survey Manuals for Pacific Island Coastal Fisheries. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2011-2012 Pacific Islands. Operationalisation of the World Bank’s Pacific Islands Fisheries Engagement Strategy. (World Bank Regional Office for Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the Pacific Islands).
  • 2011-2012 Papua New Guinea and Fiji. Study on the Application of the System of Derogation to the Rules of Origin for Fisheries Products from Papua New Guinea and Fiji. (Blomeyer & Sanz S.A./ European Parliament).
  • 2011-2012 Pacific Islands. Review of core activities and sustainable financing options for the SPC Division of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2011-2012 Pacific Islands. Feasibility Assessment of Exporting Products of HS Headings 0304/0305 (fresh and frozen fish fillets and meat, and smoked, salted and dried fishery products) to the European Union. (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat)
  • 2011 Pacific Islands. External technical reviewer of 13-chapter SPC publication Vulnerability of Tropical Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture to Climate Change. (Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2010-2011 Pacific Islands. Development of a Pacific Islands Fisheries Engagement Strategy for the World Bank, and management of two supporting consultancy studies. (World Bank Regional Office for Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the Pacific Islands).
  • 2010-2011 Indian Ocean region. Contribute fisheries chapter to a report on anthropogenic threats to Indian Ocean seamount ecosystems. (International Union for the Conservation of Nature).
  • 2009-2010 ACP states, Dutch and British overseas territories. Brussels-based project manager of Module 1 of the EU/ ACP project Strengthening Fishery Products Health Conditions in ACP/ OCT Countries. Responsible for organising, managing and reporting on approximately 78 technical assistance missions, 17 supply contracts for equipment and materials, and a range of associated training activities in support of fishery inspection competent authorities in 87 ACP/ OCT countries, all delivered during a 23-month period. (ACP Secretariat/ Cardno-Agrisystems Ltd.)
  • 2008-2009 Kiribati, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands – Undertake a review of literature relevant to institutional strengthening/ fisheries capacity-building in three Pacific Island countries. (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2008 Tuvalu – Member of a 4-person scoping team for an institutional strengthening project in the Tuvalu fisheries sector, which will increase revenues and other benefits from tuna fisheries and improving the management of coastal marine resources. (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2008 Pacific Islands – Moderate a Workshop on Turtle-Fishery Interactions in Pacific Island Tuna Fisheries, and formulate a Turtle By-Catch Mitigation Action Plan for consideration by the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Committee. (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2007-2008 Pacific Islands – Member of a 3-person team carrying out the mid-term review of the EC-funded DEVFISH project, which aims to promote the development of domestic tuna fisheries and downstream activities in Pacific Island countries. (Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat/ European Commission).
  • 2007-2008 Pacific Islands – Review progress by Pacific Island countries in implementing the ecosystem approach to the management of coastal fisheries and aquaculture, and recommend a regional strategy to strengthen future implementation. (The Nature Conservancy/ Secretariat of the Pacific Community).
  • 2007-2008 Kiribati – Member of a 3-person team commissioned to design an institutional strengthening project for the Kiribati fisheries sector, with the aim of promoting fishing industry domestication, increasing revenues from tuna fisheries and improving the management of coastal marine resources. (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2007-2008 Mauritius (Rodrigues) – Fisheries specialist working as part of a team to design, establish and monitor a marine protected area in Rodrigues lagoon. (United Nations Development Programme)
  • 2007-2008 Solomon Islands – Advise on licensing arrangements and develop a national environmental and management policy framework for pearl farming. Support efforts to promote commercial pearl farming investment. (World Fisheries Centre)
  • 2007 Pacific Islands – Moderator of a technical workshop on lessons learned from fisheries institutional strengthening project in the Pacific Islands region (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2006-2007 Nauru – Member of a 3-person team undertaking a scoping study for an institutional strengthening project for the Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Agency, with a view to maximising national revenues from tuna fisheries and improving the contribution of coastal marine resources and aquaculture to nutrition, food security and local incomes (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2006 Western and Central Pacific – Manager of a 3-person team undertaking a study to advise on a capacity-building strategy for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Management Commission and the application to the strategy of the Commission’s Special Requirements Fund (South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 2006 Asia-Pacific/ Global – Resource person at a meeting to review lessons learned in the use of alternative income generation as fisheries management tool. (World Fisheries Centre).
  • 2006 Pacific/ Global – Resource person at a meeting to develop management approaches and systems for sea cucumber fisheries, and contributor to a manual on management best practice. (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research).
  • 2005-2006 Papua New Guinea – Manager of a 3-person team carrying out economic assessments of Papua New Guinea’s domestic fisheries, and advising on domestication policies/ strategies. (PNG National Fisheries Authority).
  • 2005-2006 Asia-Pacific/ Global – Assist in developing the form and content of a reef fisheries management information portal, to be established and maintained by a consortium of fishery management and conservation agencies. (World Fisheries Centre).
  • 2005 Niue – undertook a critical review of a New Zealand bilateral proposal to support commercial and artisanal fisheries development in Niue. (NZAID).
  • 2005 Asia-Pacific – Member of a 6-person team engaged to review the Asian Development Bank’s Fisheries Policy and provide advice on future policy directions for ADB-supported fisheries projects in the Asia-Pacific region. (Asian Development Bank).
  • 2005-2009 Solomon Islands – Project Director of a 3-year project to develop a small-scale seaweed farming industry in rural areas of the country. Duties include provision of technical advice, work programme development and monitoring, financial supervision, verification of project reports, client liaison. (Solomon Islands Fisheries Department/ Delegation of the European Commission in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands).
  • 2003-2007 Papua New Guinea – Team Leader/ Resource Management Specialist for the PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project. This ADB loan-funded project aims to institute sustainable marine resource use practices in three coastal provinces (New Ireland, Morobe and Milne Bay). Duties include managing a team of 13 international and 7 domestic consultants, supervising their technical inputs, overseeing construction of maritime infrastructure in each province, and developing fishery research and management arrangements. (PNG National Fisheries Authority/ Asian Development Bank)
  • 2003-2005 Global – Period contract to provide information on environmental issues pertaining to fisheries, for input into the Environmental Vulnerability Index being developed by UNEP, SOPAC, Ireland, Italy, Norway and New Zealand. (Tautai Ltd.).
  • 2003-2004 Bay of Bengal Region – Review fishery management arrangements in Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, identify international/ trans-boundary fishery management issues, and propose improvements to regional cooperation in fisheries management. (Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Programme/ Global Environment Facility).
  • 2002 Fiji – Resource person/ speaker on commercial fisheries development opportunities and constraints at a conference on Pacific Islands Private Sector Development. (Centre for the Development of Enterprise)
  • 2002-2004 Sri Lanka – Information, Education and Communications Specialist in a an institutional strengthening/ capacity-building for the Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources and its ten line agencies. Duties include the establishment of a Central Extension Unit within the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, establishment of inter-agency information coordination mechanisms, and launching of an information campaign on fishery co-management arrangements. (Asian Development Bank)
  • 2001 Papua New Guinea– Manager/ Fishery Policy Development Specialist for an ADB Technical Assistance project to prepare fisheries sector loan programme for Papua New Guinea covering coastal fisheries management and development, infrastructure construction, and provision of merit goods (social infrastructure). (Asian Development Bank)
  • 2001 Vanuatu – study of the potential costs and benefits to Vanuatu of continued access by foreign fishing vessels to Vanuatu’s International Shipping Registry. (Government of Vanuatu/ South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency)
  • 2000 Papua New Guinea – Project management/ quality control of design study for EC project number 7 ACP PNG 57: 8th EDF Rural Coastal Fisheries Development Programme in Papua New Guinea. (Papua New Guinea Department of National Planning and Monitoring/ Delegation of the European Commission in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands).
  • 2000 Vanuatu – Support consultant in the development of a Tuna Management Plan for Vanuatu, focussing primarily on institutional issues. (Government of Vanuatu/ South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency).
  • 1999-2003 Papua New Guinea – Team Leader/ Research Management Specialist of a project aimed at strengthening fisheries management, policy, institutional arrangements and technical programmes in the PNG National Fisheries Authority. The project involves 29 consultants providing 150 person-months of services over a 4-year period, as well as the construction of fishing ports and other development activities, and the enhanced management of PNG’s coastal and oceanic fisheries. (Papua New Guinea National Fisheries Authority/ Asian Development Bank)
  • 1999-2000 Federated States of Micronesia – Coastal Fisheries Management Specialist in a project aimed at improving and rationalising fishery and aquaculture development and management arrangements, increasing the economic benefits that fisheries provide to FSM, and improving coordination between state governments, national governments and development partners operating in the fisheries sector. (Government of Federated States of Micronesia/ Asian Development Bank)
  • 1999-2000 Solomon Islands – Manager of an ADB Technical Assistance project to prepare an integrated fisheries sector grant/ loan programme for Solomon Islands, covering wharf construction, institutional strengthening, development of a rurally-based pearl farming industry, coastal fisheries development and management, and marine conservation. Responsible for overall project quality control, and for integrating the project with a marine conservation initiative planned by the Global Environment Facility which focusses on management of the live reef fish trade, and establishment of marine management areas. (Government of Solomon Islands/ Asian Development Bank)
  • 1999-2000 Pacific Islands Region – Contribution to the World Bank’s triennial regional Economic Report on Pacific Island Economies. Author’s contract to prepare a chapter on fishery and coastal area management and the economic implications of alternative management strategies. (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
  • 1999 Bay of Bengal region – Leader of 2-person team undertaking a review of the FAO Bay of Bengal Programme for Coastal Fisheries Management, and documenting the learnings acquired during programme implementation. The mission involved field visits to 11 sites where participatory management of coastal resources had been trialled, in 7 countries bordering the Bay of Bengal, as well as presentation of the study findings at a regional conference. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1999 Pacific Islands region – Preparation of English- and French-language handbook on ‘Deep-Bottom Fishing in the Pacific Islands Region’ for use by fishermen and in extension/ training programmes. (South Pacific Commission).
  • 1998 Sri Lanka – Preparation of resource profiles summarising key biological, economic, technical and management information on three commercial fisheries (sharks, large tunas and billfish: small/ surface schooling tunas: sardines, anchovies, herrings and other small pelagics). (United Nations Development Programme/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1998 Pacific Islands region – Mid-term review of the South Pacific Regional Tuna Research and Monitoring Programme which gathers statistical and scientific information on the industrial tuna fishery in the Pacific. (South Pacific Commission/ European Commission).
  • 1998 Pacific Islands region – Preparation of Pacific Islands chapter for the 1999 revision of FAO’s ‘Review of the State of World Fishery Resources: Marine Fisheries’.(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1998 Pacific Islands region – Preparation of English- and French-language handbooks on ‘Vertical Longlining and other methods of fishing around fish aggregation devices (FADs)’ for use by fishermen and in extension/ training programmes. (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1998 Pacific Islands region – Resource person/ technical advisor to Study of Coastal Resource Management in the South Pacific, which aims to describe the factors influencing success or failure of coastal management regimes. (World Bank)
  • 1998 Solomon Islands – Leader of a 5-person team engaged to carry out the end-of-term review of the Rural Fishing Enterprises Project, phase 2. (Solomon Islands Government/ European Union)
  • 1998 Pacific Islands region – Preparation of English and French-language versions of a manual on ‘Fish Aggregation Device Site Survey and Deployment Procedures’ for Pacific Island fisheries officers. (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1997/98 Tonga – Member of a multi-disciplinary team undertaking a review of the Tonga fisheries sector, with specific responsibility for policy development and planning, and for aquaculture (pearl farming, seaweed culture and farming of finfish and shellfish). (Australian Agency for International Development)
  • 1997 Sri Lanka – Preparation of resource profiles documenting national fisheries development history, legislation and management approaches and summarising key biological, economic and technical information on three commercial fisheries (demersal fish, prawns and lobsters). (United Nations Development Programme/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1997/98 Pacific Islands region – Compilation of fishery profiles and synopsis of fishery management information for 14 Pacific Island countries for inclusion in FAO’s world wide web site and digital atlas of fisheries.(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1997 Australia – Resource person at a workshop on Management of Australian Beche-de-mer Fisheries involving representatives of all northern Australian states and a range of federal agencies. (Queensland Fisheries Management Authority).
  • 1997 Pacific Islands region – Compilation of coastal zone management profiles and a directory of organisations involved in coastal zone management for 22 Pacific Island countries and territories. (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
  • 1997 Madagascar – Environmental impact study for an underwater geo-seismic petroleum prospecting survey of two coastal areas in northern and southern Madagascar. (Triton Oil International/ Hydrosearch Ltd.)
  • 1997 Pacific Islands region – Review of national and regional fishery and coastal zone management arrangements in support of a Global Environment Facility initiative to develop a Strategic Action Plan for International Waters in the region. (South Pacific Commission/ South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
  • 1997 Bay of Bengal region – Resource person at FAO Bay of Bengal Programme Workshop on the Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management. (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1996 Oceania region – Review of policy issues affecting the contribution of fisheries to food security (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1996/97 Kiribati – Evaluation of a tuna longline fishing base joint venture proposal (Government of Kiribati/ EU/ACP Centre for the Development of Industry/ MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd.)
  • 1996 Vanuatu – Articulation of fisheries policy statement (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1996 Papua New Guinea – Review of past coastal fishery development activities and evaluation of potential for commercialisation of small-scale fisheries (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1996 Solomon Islands – Presentation on economic aspects of fishing operations to investor’s seminar on tuna longlining in Solomon Islands (South Pacific Project Facility)
  • 1996 Vanuatu – Development of a master plan for the sustainable management and development of inshore fishery resources (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1996 Solomon Islands – Feasibility assessment of rural fisheries centres (The Nature Conservancy)
  • 1996 Solomon Islands – Mid-term review of Rural Fishing Enterprises Project, phase 2 (Solomon Islands Government/ European Union)
  • 1996 Papua New Guinea – Appraisal of the commercial fishing operations and future expansion plans of a private company(South Pacific Project Facility)
  • 1996 Pacific Islands region – Development of legal and environmental guidelines for dealing with ship groundings in the Pacific Islands region (South Pacific Regional Environment Programme)
  • 1995 Papua New Guinea – Presentation on economic aspects of fishing operations to investor’s seminar on tuna longlining in Papua New Guinea (South Pacific Project Facility)
  • 1995 Australia/ New Zealand – Review of contribution of fisheries to food security in Australia and New Zealand(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
  • 1995 Papua New Guinea – Preparation of an investor’s guide to tuna longlining (South Pacific Project Facility)
  • 1995 Pacific Islands region – Review, editing and finalisation of Handbook on Fish Aggregation Device Programme Planning and Monitoring (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1995 Papua New Guinea – Financial appraisal and environmental assessment of a commercial fisheries investment proposal (South Pacific Project Facility)

January 1992-February 1995: Coastal Fisheries Programme Manager, South Pacific Commission, B.P. D5, Nouméa CEDEX, New Caledonia.

The Coastal Fisheries Programme (CFP) of the South Pacific Commission (SPC) comprises five sections dealing respectively with issues relating to: the capture sector; post-harvest issues; fishery training; inshore resource assessment; and fishery information. Under my direct supervision, the programme carried out a wide range of complementary fisheries development activities in these five areas, involving a team of between 10 and 15 professional and up to 5 support staff, as well as short-term specialist consultants, and an annual budget of approximately US$ 2.5 million.

As Manager of the CFP, my duties and responsibilities included:

  • full technical and administrative oversight of all CFP activities;
  • liaison with SPC member governments to ensure that programme activities retain their relevance to national needs and priorities;
  • programme planning and strategic/ policy development;
  • development and maintenance of funding for programme activities;
  • reporting to SPC’s Executive Management, to member countries, and to donor agencies.

In addition I was responsible for liaison with other national and international organisations working in related fields in the region, and developed joint inter-agency projects with a number of them. I also had the responsibility of reporting on CFP activities to the Commission’s Executive Management, for preparing CFP contributions to the Commission’s annual work programme evaluation, and for inputs as appropriate into the organisation’s ongoing corporate planning process.

Major assignments undertaken during this period were:

  • 1994 Pacific Islands region – Preparation of an address on public sector policy in relation to pearl culture in Pacific Island countries to the May 1994 Pearl Industry Development Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1994 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of a coastal zone remote sensing/ geographic information system project to enhance coastal resource assessment and management in the region(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1993 Pacific Islands region – Regional pearl farming policy development. Planning for the establishment of a Pacific Islands regional pearl farming advisory/ policy body. (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1993 Pacific Islands region – Production of a monograph on Pacific Island beche-de-mer resources, published as a chapter in the Forum Fisheries Agency book “Marine Resources of the South Pacific: Their Biology and Management”(South Pacific Commission/ Forum Fisheries Agency)
  • 1993 Papua New Guinea – Planning and supervision of a 2-year programme of tuna longlining and sashimi-grade tuna export trials (South Pacific Commission/ Government of Papua New Guinea/ East New Britain Provincial Government)
  • 1993 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of UK-funded Regional Integrated Coastal Fishery Management Project (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1992 Kiribati – Application of remotely sensed data to milkfish/ bonefish habitat assessment in Abaiang atoll (Government of Kiribati)
  • 1992 Kiribati – Survey of pearl oyster resources and development of a resource management and mariculture plan for Abaiang and Butaritari atolls (Government of Kiribati)
  • 1992 Pacific Islands region – Formulation, development and implementation of UNDP-funded Regional Fishery Support and National Capacity Building Project (South Pacific Commission/ South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency)
  • 1992 Pacific Islands region – Formulation, development and implementation of UNDP-funded Regional Offshore Fisheries Development Project (South Pacific Commission)

January 1888 – January 1992: Senior Inshore Fisheries Scientist, South Pacific Commission, B.P. D5, Nouméa CEDEX, New Caledonia

The duties and responsibilities of this position included development, administration and execution of a programme of national and regional-level information-gathering activities in the Pacific Islands, aimed at promoting the rational development and management of inshore reef and lagoon species, especially key invertebrates, but also finfish.

While in this position, I developed investigations into the use of remotely sensed data in marine resource survey and assessment projects, and ciguatera seafood poisoning. My work included providing support to development of national fishery statistics and monitoring systems, and training national scientific staff in field survey methods, data analysis, stock assessment techniques and computer use. I also worked on a joint study (with the FAO South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project) to investigate the potential for resource enhancement of selected tropical inshore marine invertebrates through aquaculture and artificial habitat modification. I was assisted by three scientific and one support staff as well as numerous short-term consultants.

Major assignments undertaken during this period were:

  • 1991 Pacific Islands region – External review of ACIAR Project “Application of Underwater Visual Census Techniques to Pacific Island Reef Fishery Stock Assessment and Management”- (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)
  • 1991 Pacific Islands region – Organisation, supervision and reporting of 3-week Workshop on Assessment, Development and Management of Trochus Resources for 45 Pacific Island fishery scientists(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1991 Pacific Islands region – Technical review of remote sensing and its application as a coastal marine resource assessment tool in the Pacific Islands region(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1991 Pacific Islands region – Organisation, supervision and reporting of Workshop on People, Society and Pacific Island Fisheries Development and Management for 65 Pacific Island fishery planners and policy makers(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1990 Tonga – Survey of beche-de-mer resources and development of beche-de-mer management plan for Ha’apai islands group (Government of Tonga)
  • 1990 Pacific Islands region – Technical review of the application of aquacultural resource enhancement as a marine resource management and conservation tool in the region (South Pacific Commission/ FAO South Pacific Regional Aquaculture Development Project)
  • 1990 Pacific Islands region – Technical review of the application of fish aggregation devices in Pacific Island countries, presented to the May 1990 meeting of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Committee, Colombo, Sri Lanka (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
  • 1990 Tuvalu – Survey of pearl oyster resources and development of a resource management and mariculture plan for Nukulaelae atoll (Government of Tuvalu)
  • 1989 Kiribati – Survey of pearl oyster resources and development of a resource management and mariculture plan for Christmas Island (Government of Kiribati)
  • 1989 Palau – Development of a medium-term programme of fishery research and monitoring (Government of Palau)
  • 1989 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of Australian/ French funded regional Fisheries Education and Training Project (phase II) (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1988 Fiji – Survey of beche-de-mer resources and development of beche-de-mer management plan for northern Vanua Levu(Government of Fiji)
  • 1988 Cook Islands – Marine resource inventory/ fishery management plan for Palmerston atoll (Government of Cook Islands)
  • 1988 Pacific Islands region – Organisation, supervision and reporting of 2-week Workshop on Inshore Fishery Resources for 110 Pacific Island fishery managers and scientists(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1988 Tuvalu – Review of national fishery statistics system (Government of Tuvalu)

November 1982 – January 1988: Fisheries Development Officer, South Pacific Commission, B.P. D5, Nouméa CEDEX, New Caledonia

Duties and responsibilities involved management of a programme of technical support and advice aimed at assisting SPC member countries carry out assessments of fishery resources amenable to exploitation by local artisanal fishermen. Programme field activities were usually carried out under my direction by a full-time staff of 3 professional Master Fishermen as well as occasional consultants. These activities involved: assessments of outer reef-slope and coastal pelagic fishery resources; economic and technical studies of the feasibility of commercial fishery development projects; fishing gear research and development; and demonstration/ training activities involving local fishermen or fishing communities. As well as supervising the work of the Master Fishermen, I also personally carried out occasional assessments of finfish and selected invertebrate resources, including deep-water shrimps, crabs, and specimen shells.

Additional responsibilities during this period included the development of a number of new activities at SPC in the fields of vocational training, post-harvest fishery technology, and research on inshore invertebrate species. All of these activities have now developed to become major components of SPC’s fisheries work programme.

Major assignments undertaken during this period were:

  • 1987 Kiribati (Gilberts group) – Deep-water shrimp resource assessment (Government of Kiribati)
  • 1987 French Polynesia – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture (Territorial Administration of French Polynesia)
  • 1987 Kiribati – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks in Christmas Island (Government of Kiribati)
  • 1987 Pacific Islands region – Senior author of a 200-page “Handbook on Trolling Techniques” for use in regional- and national-level training courses and extension programmes(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1987 Federated States of Micronesia – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture in Kosrae (Government of Federated States of Micronesia)
  • 1986 Cook Islands – Management of project to deploy fish aggregation devices and train fishermen in Rarotonga(Government of Cook Islands)
  • 1986 Solomon Islands – Technical assistance to a survey of local exploitation of small pelagic species (Government of Solomon Islands)
  • 1986 Federated States of Micronesia – Management of project to deploy fish aggregation devices and train fishermen in Yap(Government of Federated States of Micronesia)
  • 1986 Tokelau – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Tokelau Administration)
  • 1986 Pacific Islands region – Planning and supervision of 6-week Training Workshop on Post-harvest Fisheries for 16 Pacific Island Fisheries Officers(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1986 Tuvalu – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Government of Tuvalu)
  • 1985 Papua New Guinea – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Government of Papua New Guinea)
  • 1985 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of French-funded regional Fisheries Information Project (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1985 Tonga – Design, supervision and monitoring of fishing gear development trials (Government of Tonga)
  • 1985 Kiribati – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture in the Gilberts group(Government of Kiribati)
  • 1985 Pacific Islands region – Technical review of fishery sector refrigeration systems in Pacific Islands countries(South Pacific Commission)
  • 1984 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of UK-funded regional Inshore Fisheries Research Project (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1984 Palau – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Government of Palau)
  • 1984 Pacific Islands region – Questionnaire survey of inshore fishery information needs and priorities among Pacific Island fishery research and extension workers prior to development of a regional fishery information system (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1984 Pacific Islands region – Formulation of UK and New Zealand-funded Regional Fisheries Education and Training Project (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1984 Fiji – Management of cyclone rehabilitation/ disaster relief project to promote intensive commercial fishing in coastal and outer island areas as a means of generating cash for reconstruction (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
  • 1983 Wallis and Futuna – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Territorial Administration of Wallis and Futuna)
  • 1983 Western Samoa – Management of project to assess deep-water fish stocks and train fishermen in their capture(Government of Western Samoa)
  • 1983 Niue – Design, supervision and monitoring of fishing gear development trials and management of a project to assess deep-water fish stocks (Government of Niue)
  • 1983 Pacific Islands region – Review of 22-week Pacific Island Fisheries Officer course operated by the New Zealand National School of Fishing at Nelson Polytechnic (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1983 Vanuatu – Management of a project to assess deep-water fish stocks (Government of Vanuatu)

April 1981 – November 1982: Fisheries Officer (Resource Assessment and Development), Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, P.O. Box 358, Suva, Fiji

I was responsible for a number of ongoing and new fishery development projects, and for supervising about a dozen local technical and support staff. Specific investigations were carried out into the resource potentials of pelagic squid, tropical lobster, deep-water and estuarine shrimps, deep-water snappers and offshore pelagic species, and some of these have since given rise to thriving local fisheries. I also worked specifically on the development of a programme of fish aggregation device deployment and use, the development of associated fishing methods, and research into FAD effectiveness. About 50% of my time was spent at sea on Fisheries Department vessels and in outer islands conducting extension work and fishery investigations.

Major assignments undertaken during this period were:

  • 1982 Fiji – Review of fish aggregation device use by industrial fishing operations (South Pacific Commission)
  • 1982 Fiji – Production of two extension videos on aspects of Fisheries Division work (Government of Fiji)
  • 1982 Fiji – Initiation and supervision of a major programme of fish aggregation device deployment, maintenance and evaluation for small-scale artisanal and industrial fisheries (Government of Fiji)
  • 1982 Fiji – Conduct of marine resource inventory and development of marine resource management plan for the Southern Lau group(Government of Fiji)
  • 1981 Fiji – Conduct of in-house training programme in fish biology, taxonomy, statistical methods and procedures, statistical sampling design, and basic computer use for Government Fisheries Division staff (Government of Fiji)
  • 1981 Fiji – Production of press articles and public information documents on fishery issues(Government of Fiji)
  • 1981 Fiji – Participation in a survey of deep-water shrimp resources around Viti Levu (Government of Fiji)
  • 1981 Fiji (southern Viti Levu) – Participation in survey of specimen shell resources (Government of Fiji)

September 1978 – December 1980: Natural Resources Trainee, UK Overseas Development Administration, Eland House, Stag Place, London, England.

Two-year induction training programme for technical officers in the UK overseas development assistance programme. Year 1 was spent at Grimsby College of Technology, UK, studying for Postgraduate Diploma in Tropical and Temperate Fisheries Management. Year 2 was spent in a familiarisation/ work experience attachment in Fiji.

Of this second year, I spent 6 months working with Fiji’s national industrial pole-and-line tuna fishing company in a successful attempt to improve the productivity of fishing operations through a programme of sea-surface temperature monitoring using satellite-derived data. The other 6 months was spent assisting in a variety of Fisheries Division activities, including the introduction of grass carp for river weed control, and a highly successful outer-island fishery extension programme to promote rural fish production and processing.

Major assignments undertaken during this period were:

  • 1981 Fiji – Design and implementation of a national household survey to evaluate Fiji’s subsistence fish catch and consumption(Government of Fiji)
  • 1981 Fiji – Conduct and management of small-scale pole-and-line fishing trials (United Nations Development Programme)
  • 1980 Fiji – Carry out industrial fishing vessel operations study for the national fishing company to identify methods of improving performance (Government of Fiji)
  • 1980 Fiji – Conduct of a project to assess deep-water fish stocks (Government of Fiji)
  • 1980 Fiji – Conduct of rural extension activities in fish and beche-de-mer processing methods (Government of Fiji)
  • 1980 Fiji – Review and re-structuring of national fishery statistics system (Government of Fiji)

Publications and technical reports:

  • Preston, G. L. and U. L. Kaly (2022). Project Concept Note for first phase of World Bank Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme for Economic Resilience and Recovery (PROPER) in Vanuatu. Vanuatu Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity, Port Vila, Vanuatu.
  • Kaly, U. L. and G. L. Preston (2021). Project design for second phase of Pacific Regional Oceanscape Programme for Economic Resilience and Recovery (PROPER) in Tuvalu. Tuvalu Fisheries Department, Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Funafuti, Tuvalu.
  • Preston, G. L. (2019). Vanuatu Offshore Fisheries Advisor Inception Report. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc. For New Zealand Programme, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Andrefouet, S., C. Payri, S. van Wynsberge, O. Lauret, S. Alefaio, G. L. Preston, H. Yamano and S. Baudel (2017). The timing and the scale of the proliferation of Sargassum polycystum in Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Journal of Applied Phycology.
  • Kaly, U. L., G. L. Preston, B. M. Yeeting, I Bertram and B. Moore (2016). Creel and Market Surveys: A Manual for Pacific Island Fisheries Officers. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (2013). Tuvalu Fisheries Department Advisor Inception Report. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc. For New Zealand Programme, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Blomeyer & Sanz S. L. (2012). Application of the system of derogation to the rules of origin of fisheries products in Papua New Guinea and Fiji: final report. IP/B/PECH/IC/2011-089-1/6/2012. European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium. (Contributed sections on fisheries and environmental management).
  • Gillett, R. D. and G. L. Preston (2012). Feasibility Assessment of Exporting Products of HS Headings 0304/0305 to the European Union. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Suva, Fiji.
  • World Bank (2012). A Fisheries Engagement Strategy for the Pacific Islands Region. World Bank Regional Office for Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the Pacific Islands, Sydney, Australia.
  • Preston, G. L. and R. Gillett (2012). Review of core activities and sustainable financing options for the SPC Division of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • World Bank (2011). Sustainable Management of Key International Fisheries in the Pacific Islands Region. (Funding submission to the Global Environment Facility). World Bank Regional Office for Papua New Guinea, East Timor and the Pacific Islands, Sydney, Australia.
  • Verlaan, P. A., A. D. Rogers and G. L. Preston (2011). Anthropogenic Threats to Seamount Ecosystems and Biodiversity in the South-West Indian Ocean. International Union for the Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Preston, G. L. (2010). Strengthening Fishery Products Health Conditions in ACP/ OCT countries – Module 1: Strengthening National Control Capacity for Fishery Products. Final Report. ACP Secretariat/ European Commission.
  • Cameron, D., G. L. Preston, S. Sauni and B. Scott (2010). Tuvalu Institutional Strengthening Scoping Study Report: Activity Feasibility Study and Design Document. Tuvalu Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Fisheries/ South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Ferraris, R., D. Cameron, G. L. Preston and G. Anderson (2010). Design Study for a Fisheries Sector Institutional Strengthening Project in Kiribati. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2009). Strengthening Fishery Products Health Conditions in ACP/ OCT countries – Module 1: Strengthening National Control Capacity for Fishery Products. Inception Report. ACP Secretariat/ European Commission.
  • Preston, G. L. (2009). Annotated bibliography of literature relevant to fisheries institutional strengthening in Marshall Islands. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2009). Commercialisation of Seaweed Production in Solomon Islands: Project Completion Report. European Commission/ Government of Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L., S. Sauni, D. Cameron and B. Scott (2009). Report of Institutional Strengthening Scoping Mission to Tuvalu. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2009). Annotated bibliography of literature relevant to fisheries institutional strengthening in Tuvalu. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2009). The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in Pacific Island Countries. TNC Pacific Island Countries Report No. 1/08 (132pp) and summary booklet (17pp). The Nature Conservancy, Pacific Regional Office, Brisbane, Australia/ Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). Stimulating Investment in Pearl Farming in the Solomon Islands: Pearl Farming Policy and Management Guidelines. World Fisheries Centre, Penang, Malaysia.
  • Cameron, D. S. and G. L. Preston (2008). Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Action Plan for Sea Turtle Mitigation. Information Paper 8, Second WCPFC Scientific Committee, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, August 2008. Western Central Pacific Fisheries Management Commission, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
  • Gillett, R., G. L. Preston, W. Nash, H. Govan, T. Adams and M. Lam (2008). Livelihood Diversification as a Marine Resource Management Tool in the Pacific Islands: Lessons Learned. SPC Fisheries Newsletter #125, April-June 2008. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). Coastal Fisheries Management and Development in Kiribati. Working Paper 3 of the Project Design Document for an Institutional Strengthening Project for the Kiribati Fisheries Sector. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). Annotated bibliography of literature relevant to fisheries institutional strengthening in Kiribati. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). Action Plan for Mitigation of Turtle By-Catch in Pacific Island Tuna Fisheries. Working Paper for the 67th meeting of the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Committee, 12-16 May 2008, Koror, Palau. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). Report of the Workshop on Mitigation of Turtle By-Catch in Pacific Island Tuna Fisheries, 11-12 March 2008, Nadi, Fiji. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Preston, G. L. (2008). The Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Pacific Islands – current status and ideas for further implementation. Working Paper for the Special Session of the SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting, 11 – 13 February 2008, Apia, Samoa. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (2007). Report of the Regional workshop on Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Coastal Fisheries and Aquaculture (EACFA), 28 October – 2 November 2007, Noumea, New Caledonia. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 123, Oct-Dec 2008. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (2007). Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in Rodrigues: Report by the Fisheries Specialist. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc.
  • Kaly, U. L., G. L. Preston, L. J. Opnai, and J. Aini (2007). Sea cucumber survey, New Ireland Province. PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Cartwright, I. and G. L. Preston (2006). A Capacity-Building Strategy for the Commission for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean. Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Kaly, U. L. and G. L. Preston (2006). Small-scale-fisheries in Morobe Province: Landing, Market and Buyer Surveys in Lae. PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Tinne, M. J., G. L. Preston and G. Tiroba (2006). Development of seaweed marketing and licensing arrangements. Technical report for the EU-Stabex 99 project Commercialisation of Seaweed Production in Solomon Islands. European Commission/ Government of Solomon Islands.
  • Kaly, U. L., G. L. Preston, J. Kinch and D. Burgess (2006). Small-scale-fisheries related Socio-Economic Survey of Milne Bay Province. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Lindley, R. H., P. W. Philipson and G. L. Preston (2006). Building sustained competitive advantage in the Papua New Guinea domestic fishing industry. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Kaly, U. L., G. L. Preston, J. Opnai, and D. Burgess (2005). Small-scale-fisheries related Socio-Economic Survey of New Ireland Province. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Kaly, U. L., J. Opnai, G. L. Preston, and D. Burgess (2005). Small-scale-fisheries in New Ireland Province: Landing, Market and Buyer Surveys in Kavieng. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. and others (2003 – 2007). Consultants’ Progress Reports. Quarterly reports, 14 quarterly reports, each including 3-5 technical appendices on aspects of PNG fisheries). PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2003). Review of the status and level of exploitation and use of shared/ common marine living resource stocks and of stock assessment capability in the BOBLME region. FAO Project GCP/ RAS/ 179/ WBG Sustainable Management of the Bay of Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem (BOBLME). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (2003). Final Report of the Project Consultants. Technical Report # 14, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Burgess, D. and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2003). Development of the NFA Licensing and Associated Reports Database. Technical Report # 13, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2003). Report on second assignment by the Information, Education and Communication Specialist (International). Sri Lanka Coastal Resource Management Project (ADB TA 3477-SRI). Asian Development Bank/ Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources/ ANZDEC Limited Consultants, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Moore, G., and Preston, G. L. (ed.) (2002). Revision of the PNG Fisheries Laws and Regulations. Technical Report # 12, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Cusack, P. J. and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2002). Development and Management of the Kavieng Fishing Vessel Wharf and Small Boat Jetty. Technical Report # 11, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2002). A Marine Fisheries Research Strategy for the PNG National Fisheries Authority. Technical Report # 10, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. and K. B. S. Wijayaratne (2002). Interim Report of the Information, Education and Communication Specialists. Sri Lanka Coastal Resource Management Project (ADB TA 3477-SRI). Asian Development Bank/ Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources/ ANZDEC Limited Consultants, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  • Sharples, P. and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2001). Observer Management Procedures Manual. Technical Report # 9, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2001). Management of the International Operations of Vanuatu-Flagged Fishing Vessels. South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara, Solomon Islands.
  • Swan, J., and Preston, G. L. (ed.) (2001). A Review of the PNG Fisheries Management Act. Technical Report # 8, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Lindley, R. H., G. L. Preston, R. Greer, J. Carter, M. H. Teulières, W. Peters, V. Pat and L. Stocks (2001). Preparing the PNG Coastal Fisheries Management and Development Project: Final Report of ADB PPTA 3604-PNG. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
  • Reid, J. and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2001). PNG Fishery Surveillance and Enforcement Course Materials. Technical Report # 7, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2001). Final Report on Enhancement of Fisheries Management Cooperation between National and State Governments in FSM. ADB TA No. 2832-FSM: Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
  • Ward, T. and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2001). Implementation of a New Financial Management System at the PNG National Fisheries Authority. Technical Report # 6, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2000) (ed.). Report of Proceedings of the First FSM Coastal Fisheries Consortium, Pohnpei, 12-14 December 2000. FSM Department of Economic Affairs, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
  • Reid, J., P. Sharples and G. L. Preston (2000). A Review of PNG Fishery Surveillance, Inspection, Monitoring and Enforcement Arrangements. Technical Report # 5, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (2000). Progress Report on Enhancement of Fisheries Management Cooperation between National and State Governments in FSM. ADB TA No. 2832-FSM: Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
  • Tiller, S. and G. L. Preston (2000). A Review of PNG Fishery Policy. Technical Report # 4, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Batty, M. J., R. H. Lindley, U. Kolkolo, L. Aisi and G. L. Preston. Report of a Feasibility Study on the 8th EDF Rural Coastal Fisheries Development Programme in Papua New Guinea. Project Number: 7 ACP PNG 57. European Commission/ PNG Department of Planning and Monitoring. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Sanders, M. J., C. Lightfoot and G. L. Preston (ed.) (2000). A Bio-Economic Assessment of the PNG Tuna Fishery. Technical Report # 3, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Batty, M. J., S. Tiller, G. L. Preston, M. McCoy, R. Greer, J. Carter, R. Stone, J. Fleming and S. Lindsay (2000). Preparing the Solomon Islands Fisheries Management and Development Project: Final Report of ADB PPTA 3237-SOL. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
  • Lightfoot, C., M. Sanders and G. L. Preston (ed). (2000). A Financial and Economic Review of the PNG Tuna Fishery. Technical Report # 2, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. and R. D. Gillett (2000). Pacific Islands region: FAO Statistical Areas 71 and 77. Chapter in Review of the State of World Fishery Resources: Marine Fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular 920. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Hughes, A. V., S. Tiller, H. Walton and G. L. Preston (2000). An Institutional Strengthening Plan for the PNG National Fisheries Authority. Technical Report # 1, PNG Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ PNG National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
  • Preston, G. L. (1999). Preliminary Report on Enhancement of Fisheries Management Cooperation between National and State Governments in FSM. ADB TA No. 2832-FSM: Fisheries Development Project. Gillett, Preston & Associates Inc./ Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines.
  • Preston, G. L. and Y. S. Yadava (1999). Learnings of the third phase of the Bay of Bengal Programme for Coastal Fisheries Management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L., M. Amos, J. Aston, W. Fitzgerald, C. Gabrie, J. Gourley, A. Green, P. Holthus, N. Idechong, J. Kallie, U. Kolkolo, M. Lam, E. Lovell, M. McCoy, P. Nunn, T. Panholzer, K. Passfield, S. Sauni, G. Sem, N. Sims, A. Smith, M-H. Teulières, A. Tiraa, V. Vuki and B. Yeeting (1999). Coastal Management Profiles: A Directory of Pacific Island Government and non-Government Agencies with Coastal Management Related Responsibilities. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Western Samoa.
  • Preston, G. L. (1999). Deep-Bottom Fishing in the Pacific Islands: A Manual for Fishermen. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., L. B. Chapman and P. J. Watt (1999). Vertical Longlining and Other Methods of Fishing Around Fish Aggregation Devices. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1999). Sri Lanka Marine Fishery Resource Profiles. Sri Lankan Ministry of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Preston, G. L., P. D. Gates and L. B. Chapman (1998.). Fish Aggregating Device (FAD) Manual. Volume III: Site Survey and Deployment. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Gillett, R. D., P. J. Cusack, W. S. Pintz, G. L. Preston, C. Lightfoot, D. James, B Kuemelgam and H. Walton (1998). Review of the Tonga Fisheries Sector. Government of Tonga/ Australian Agency for International Development/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  • Preston, G. L., R. D. Gillett, M. A. McCoy, P. Murrell and E. R. Lovell (1998). Ship groundings in the Pacific Islands region: Issues and guidelines. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Western Samoa.
  • Preston, G. L. (1997). Review of marine resource management regimes in the Pacific Islands region. Paper prepared for the Regional Task Force to develop a Strategic Action Programme for International Waters of the South Pacific. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme, Apia, Western Samoa.
  • Preston, G.L. (1997). Exploitation, ecology and management of fisheries for sea cucumbers (bêche-de-mer). In Damschke, S. B. (Ed.), 1997: Proceedings of the sea cucumber (bêche-de-mer) fishery management workshop. Queensland Fisheries Management Authority, Brisbane 8-9 December 1997.
  • Preston, G. L. (1997). Practical implications of the precautionary approach to fisheries management. Proceedings of the Bay of Bengal Programme Regional Workshop on the Precautionary Approach to Fisheries Management. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (ed) (1997). Report of workshop on Trochus Resource Assessment, Management and Development. Inshore Fisheries Research Project Technical Document No. 13. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., A. D. Lewis, N. Sims, I. Bertram, N. Howard, S. Maluofenua, B. Marsters, K. Passfield, T. Tearii, F. Viala, D, Wright and B. Yeeting (1997). The marine resources of Palmerston atoll, Cook Islands. Inshore Fisheries Research Project Technical Document No 10. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1997). Domestic tuna long line fishing in Solomon Islands. In P. Philipson (ed.) (1997): Solomon Islands Fishing Industry Seminar – Tuna Long Lining. South Pacific Project Facility, Sydney, Australia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1997.). Evaluation of longline Fishbase joint venture proposal in South Tarawa, Kiribati. MacAlister Elliott and Partners Ltd., Lymington, United Kingdom.
  • Preston, G. L. (1996). Vanuatu – Fisheries Sector Policies. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (1996). Evaluation of the Potential for Commercialisation of Small-Scale Fisheries in Papua New Guinea. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (1996). Master plan for the Sustainable Management and Development of Vanuatu’s Inshore Fisheries Resources. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (1996). Evaluation of the Nature Conservancy Small-Scale Fisheries Enterprise Project, Arnarvon Islands Marine Conservation Area, Solomon Islands. Report to the Nature Conservancy, South Pacific Programme, Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Preston, G. L. (1996). Evaluation of SIG/EU Rural Fishing Enterprise Project. Report to Solomon Islands Government, Honiara, Solomon Islands, and European Union, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Preston, G. L. (1995). Domestic tuna long line fishing in Papua New Guinea. In P. Philipson (ed.) (1995): Papua New Guinea Fishing Industry Seminar – Tuna Long Lining. South Pacific Project Facility, Sydney, Australia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1995). Investor’s guide to tuna longlining in Papua New Guinea. Report to South Pacific Project Facility of the International Finance Corporation, Sydney, Australia. Gillett, Preston and Associates, Inc., Port Vila, Vanuatu.
  • Preston, G. L. (1995). Evaluation of Masurina fisheries development proposal. Confidential report to South Pacific Project Facility of the International Finance Corporation, Sydney, Australia. Gillett, Preston and Associates, Inc., Port Vila, Vanuatu.
  • Preston, G.L. (1994). Enhancement of Pacific Island invertebrate fisheries by restocking. In Munro, J. L. and P. E. Munro (Eds), 1994: The management of coral reef resource systems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 44, p. 88-91. International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management, Manila, Philippines.
  • Preston, G.L. 1993. Bêche-de-mer. In Wright, A. and L. Hill (Eds), 1993: Nearshore marine resources of the South Pacific. Institute of Pacific Studies, Suva; Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara; International Centre for Ocean Development, Canada. p. 371-407
  • Preston, G. L. (ed) (1992). Report of workshop on People, Society and Pacific Island Fisheries Development and Management. Inshore Fisheries Research Project Technical Document No. 5. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., B. M. Yeeting, M. Kamatie, J. Uan, T. Reiti and T. Tuake (1992). Reconnaissance of the pearl oyster resources of Abaiang and Butaritari atolls, Kiribati. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Dalzell, P. J., and G. L. Preston (1992). Deep reef slope fishery resources of the South Pacific. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1992). Milkfish capture on Christmas Islands, Kiribati. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 60 South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1991). Remote sensing and image processing in South Pacific fisheries research. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 57. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1990). Brackish-water aquaculture in Tahiti. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 55, October-December 1990. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. and H. Tanaka (1990). A review of the potential of aquaculture as a tool for inshore marine invertebrate resource enhancement in the Pacific Islands. Information Paper 5, 22nd SPC Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, August 1990. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1990). FADs in the Pacific Islands region. Information Paper 4, 22nd SPC Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, August 1990. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., M. T. Gentle, M. Kamatie and M. Naseli (1990). Report of a survey of pearl oyster resources at Nukulaelae atoll, Tuvalu. Inshore Fisheries Research Project, Country Assignment Report. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1990). Inshore fishery resource management in Palau. Inshore Fisheries Research Project, Country Assignment Report. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Sims, N. A., G. L. Preston, B. M. Yeeting and R. Alfred (1990). Pearl oysters in Christmas Island, Kiribati, and the potential for development of a pearl culture industry. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. and P. Lokani (1990). Report of a survey of the sea cucumber resources of Ha’apai, Tonga. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1990). Fish aggregation devices in the Pacific Islands region. Working Paper, Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council Symposium on Fish Aggregation Devices and Artificial Reefs, Colombo, Sri Lanka, May 1990. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome, Italy.
  • Preston, G. L. (1990). Mass bêche-de-mer production in Fiji. SPC Bêche-de-mer Information Bulletin 1, 4-5. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1989). SPC workshop on inshore fishery resources. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 48, January-March 1989. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. and A.D. Lewis (eds.) (1988). Report of workshop on Pacific Island Inshore Fishery Resources. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., V. Vakamoce, P. Lokani and F. Viala (1988). Exploitation of the blackfish Actinopyga miliaris (dri loli) in northern Fiji. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Crutz, B., and G. L. Preston (1988). Summary of a survey of the deep water shrimp resources of the Northern Gilbert Islands, Kiribati. Background paper 88, Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., L. B. Chapman, P. D. Mead and P. Taumaia (1987). Trolling techniques for the Pacific Islands: a manual for fishermen. Handbook # 28. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Crutz, B., and G. L. Preston (1987). Survey of the deep water shrimp resources of the Northern Gilbert Islands, Kiribati. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., and M. A. Vincent (1986). Refrigeration for small-scale fisheries in Pacific Island countries. Technical Paper # 188. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., and M. A. Vincent (1985). Fisheries sector refrigeration systems in Pacific Island countries. Working Paper 2, 17th SPC Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, August 1985. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1984). Market requirements for shark products. SPC Fisheries Newsletter # 30, July-September 1984. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1984). Biology and economics in the development and management of Pacific Island inshore fisheries. Pacific Economic Bulletin, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Preston, G. L., and R. E. Kearney (1984). The South Pacific Commission and the development of Pacific Island fisheries. INFOFISH Market Digest # 6/84. INFOFISH, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia.
  • Chapman, L. B., P. Taumaia and G. L. Preston (1984). SPC Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project: Report of participation in FAO/ UNDP/ Fiji Government Cyclone Rehabilitation Programme. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L., P. Taumaia, P. and L. B. Chapman (1983). Report of the SPC Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project’s visit to Western Samoa. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Taumaia, P. and G. L. Preston (1983). Report of the SPC Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project’s visit to Tokelau. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Taumaia, P. and G. L. Preston (1982). Report of the SPC Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project’s second visit to Tuvalu. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Fusimalohi, T. and G. L. Preston (1982). Report of the SPC Deep Sea Fisheries Development Project’s third visit to Vanuatu. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1982). The Fijian experience in the utilisation of Fish Aggregation Devices. Working Paper 9, 14th SPC Regional Technical Meeting on Fisheries, August 1982. South Pacific Commission, Nouméa, New Caledonia.
  • Preston, G. L. (1981). Report on Fisheries Division/ UNDP Small-Scale Tuna Fishing Project. Fiji Fisheries Division Technical Bulletin # 2. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Suva, Fiji.